View Full Version : Have you REALLY got Health Anxiety??

28-05-14, 12:15
Below is a chapter from my book, How to Beat Health Anxiety. I hope some of you relate to this, and I would welcome any comments/questions/feedback below:

How do I know if I have health anxiety?

This is a tricky one because if you have health anxiety you may think that your symptoms can’t possibly be caused by your mind and not some serious physical disease. Doctors have to tread carefully - the threat of litigation looms large if they wrongly diagnose a genuinely ill person with health anxiety. In fact, ‘genuinely ill’ is the wrong phrase because people with health anxiety experience symptoms which make them feel genuinely ill - they get real stomach pains, real muscle twitches, real headaches. Health anxiety is not about pretending you’re ill or looking for attention, it’s about being terrified that these genuine symptoms you’re experiencing are a sign of imminent death. In the face of real symptoms, doctors can do nothing but order the required tests to rule out anything serious.

In my experience of health anxiety there are several indicators of the problem. These are things that I used to do, and you might do them too:

Obsessive online research about your symptoms

I would consult Google every time I got the slightest twinge of pain or weird symptom that I couldn’t easily explain. I got an iPhone four years ago and that’s when my health anxiety hit an all-time high. Previously I could only google health stuff when I had access to a computer; now I could do it whenever and wherever I wanted: in a car, on the sofa, on the loo! ‘Dr Google’, as I like to call him, became my 24/7 on-call doctor, sometimes offering reassurance but often suggesting that I probably had something terminal. It got so bad that I was researching various symptoms every single day, sometimes for hours a day. I became an expert in several fields of medicine (in my own mind) and believed I knew more about certain conditions than the doctors I saw.

You are never adequately reassured

No matter how many medical tests you have, no matter how many reassuring articles you read online, and no matter how many doctors tell you that they can’t find anything wrong, you are never fully reassured. With health anxiety you are locked in a vicious cycle of reassurance-seeking, finding temporary reassurance, experiencing new symptoms (or the same symptoms), doubting that original reassurance and seeking new reassurance. If you find yourself constantly seeking reassurance about your health you probably have health anxiety.

You have trouble being on your own

I never wanted to be alone in case I had a heart attack or stroke and there was nobody there to revive me or call for help. Whenever my wife left me alone in the house my anxiety levels would increase and this would cause more symptoms. The anxiety increased when my children were born, as I felt extra pressure to be ‘well enough’ to look after them on my own.

Another habit I fell into was using my wife for reassurance. I would always tell her my latest worrying symptom and say: “Do you think this is normal?” Part of the reason for telling her how I was feeling was to give her advanced warning to be ‘ready’ just in case that headache did turn out to be a stroke. She had to put up with a lot - I think this is probably the case with many spouses/partners of people with health anxiety. I am so grateful to have had such an understanding and patient wife during this period. I would not tell my friends about my problems due to embarrassment - my social circle never suspected a thing.

You avoid medical TV shows

Before health anxiety kicked in for me I used to watch and enjoy shows like Casualty and ER without a care in the world. When the health anxiety became a problem I avoided these shows like the plague. I didn’t want to see or hear anything that mentioned serious illness of any kind. I was so hyper-sensitive to the mere mention of health problems that I developed what I like to call ‘health anxiety dyslexia’. I was so obsessed with my health that I would mis-read or mis-hear words as medical-related words. For example, someone once mentioned the name ‘Jasper’ on a TV show and I heard ‘chest pain’. The word ‘artifacts’ became ‘heart attacks’. Not even avoiding everything health-related worked.

You lurch from one symptom to the next

One week I would be obsessed with ache in my left arm which I was convinced was a sign of an impending heart attack. It was probably the way I lay on it in bed. The next week another symptom took hold, such as numbness in my right foot which I thought must be MS or a brain tumour. When the numbness in the foot started, the arm ache disappeared. The following week would see a completely new symptom occupying my thoughts and making me think I was seriously ill. Symptoms came and went regularly. Some would reappear, others would vanish forever for no particular reason. I got so bad that whenever I saw a doctor I felt like I didn’t know where to start with the vast number of symptoms I needed to ask him for reassurance about.

You catastrophise

People with health anxiety tend to automatically think of the worst outcome for any symptom, and as I’ve already mentioned Dr Google tends to back this up. It’s called catastrophising - thinking that a head pain is definitely a stroke, a heart palpitation is definitely going to be fatal, a tingling in your head is definitely MS. For me this extended to other things - a bit of turbulence meant that the plane was definitely about to crash. When you’re in this state of mind you are constantly ‘on edge’. My general anxiety levels were very high and this even triggered full blown panic attacks from time to time. My blood pressure was high and this caused even greater anxiety about my heart.

You are generally unhappy

Living with health anxiety is not pleasant. Thinking you’re about to die is one of the most stressful things a human being can experience, and when this happens several times every day it is bound to have a negative effect on your mood and general outlook. I had so much to be happy about in my twenties - a beautiful wife, two amazing children and a good job which afforded me lots of free time to spend with my family. There were plenty of times I felt happy and normal (when I wasn’t experiencing symptoms), but the next scary symptom was never far away and it made me think the world was ending. I felt I had too much to lose.

You feel like nobody really understands

The other thing about living with health anxiety is that it tends to be poorly understood by anyone who hasn’t experienced it. Some people think that hypochondriacs are attention-seeking and self-centred, always focusing on themselves rather than others. In my own experience this is not the case at all. I have never been an attention-seeker - I shun the limelight. I experienced real physical symptoms which, although tests have proved weren’t serious, often caused a great deal of physical pain and stress. Health anxiety is being in an almost constant state of terror that you’re going to die of something horrible. It isn’t about fabricating symptoms in order to get time off work or an attempt to get sympathy from people.

28-05-14, 13:06
Hi skippy most of this I can relate to ,but im the oppersite when it comes to googling symptoms I use to but it made me feel worse ,also going to the doctors or hospital scares me to death I do go the doctors because I have to but everything else is so so true to what I do and feel thankyou for this post xx

29-05-14, 04:20
Everything written is me! It is like you jumped into my head and wrote out my thoughts. I am always wanting to go to the dr bc even though I'm scared, it is the only thing that reassures me. Google is the worst. It always makes it a hundred times worse. The only thing you didn't mention that I have is thinking it is a sign from above! Example if I am on a cancer kick and I pass an oncologist or a cancer billboard, my anxiety shoots up right away thinking it's a sign and I must have cancer! I do this all the time and hate it.
I have learned in the last two weeks thanks to therapy that all of these emotions are just an overflow of feelings since childhood and that my subconscious mind thinks it's ok, or makes better sense, to worry about cancer or whatever ailment I'm stuck on that week. What you said about the symptoms going away when a new one appears is spot on! Great piece. Thanks for posting it.

---------- Post added at 22:20 ---------- Previous post was at 22:17 ----------

Ok...so I know I have it, now how do I beat it? Because the reality is...I have two small kids and someone is bound to get sick. I need to be able to handle that like a rational person.....

04-06-14, 16:03
It is not the times when your kids (or you) are really ill that is the problem. You will be able to cope with 'bugs' they pick up at school, chicken pox, falling off a bike and bleeding, etc. You'll be fine because you'll know what is going on.

It is when you don't know what is going on, that you suffer, and make your life a misery. You'll think something is wrong when it isn't, fail to think about it rationally, and end up in a panic. You think things which would seem ridiculous to others.

For example, my wife has spotted the signs of at least ten life-threatening illnesses in our children over the past two years. In some cases I was forced to go to the doctors to calm her (which didn't always work anyway). In reality there was nothing wrong with them at all, but her life was full of misery for approx three weeks each time. (Her usual pattern is to diagnose/catatrophise about her own body, not the kids, a new thing every month.)

However, each child went through one or all of: chicken pox, tonsillitis, falling off a table and ripping a lip open, inexplicable vomiting, migrant rash over whole body, concern over gas poisoning....and my wife coped perfectly with each case, looking after the children on her own when needed, and never believing they were going to die.

04-06-14, 16:26
Is that you James?? ha

04-06-14, 16:27
I am always worried about my health, If I could I would visit the GP twice or three times per day.

I am still not reassured about my results in December, of my abdominal stomach area, even though I had four other types of scan last year and nothing serious was found, I am scared something was missed which needs dealing with,

I would have been to the GP twice this year because I am concerned about one of my NF lumps and would like it removing.

I just cant seem to get on with life, I am always checking myself daily, scared as always.

I think if I was in a relationship and maybe married things may be different

04-06-14, 22:14
i can relate to all the above but i followed a link today to a free cbt programme on here by dr barry or something, am now trying that to see if i can calm this down i know it will never go away i just need to relearn to live with it again xx

05-06-14, 07:33
Yes I have x