View Full Version : congestion worries

28-05-14, 13:02
I'm almost scared to post this in case someone says something scary!

I've had congestion in my nose, ears and head for a while. It started when my hearing got a bit worse, then one ear really bad. I have seen an ent specialist and my own doctor (sure it was a tumour) and neither is worried. I've had hearing tests etc. The sprays they gave me haven't worked and doctor says if not, I have to go back to the ent specialist. I panicked and said 'Is that because it means it's serious?' but he said 'No, just because she'll want to try something else.'

However, my anxiety has gone sky high. My nose is always blocked, my ears squelch when I swallow, my head feels full of wool and I have a ringing sound. Now I can't focus on anything else, and everytime I do, I get a surge of adrenaline, and feel anxious all day.

Anyone have anything reassuring to say? I know the anxiety is useless and that 'thoughts and feelings aren't fact' but the anxiety is ruining my days.

28-05-14, 14:15
I am exactly the same. I saw my doctor yesterday and the squelching sound and ringing is because I have glue ear. I also have sinus congestion. He maybe referring you back as if it doesn't clear itself in 3 months they can drain it.
Steam inhalation can help to clear the sinus congestion.

28-05-14, 14:17
Thanks. Knowing it's not just me helps. I've been told it isn't serious, but panic every time I focus on the pressure and ringing, and am being sucked into a general GAD situation. Thank you for replying, and good luck.

29-05-14, 04:22
Do you know food sensitives can cause this? Usually it's gluten or diary, but consider what your eating. When I eat donuts, I get the thickest most nasty phlem at the back of my throat that I almost can't breath!

01-06-14, 13:30
No, not thought of that. It started after I had flu two years running. Woke up with hearing loss in one ear. That is fine now, and I've had lots of tests and no one that worried but me. It's just the full feeling, squelching and ringing get me down, and after googling - DON'T DO IT FOLKS! Have triggered this damned anxiety.