View Full Version : Spot of advice/opinions welcome

28-05-14, 18:36
After nearly 9 months free from anxiety, apart from minor wobbles, I ad a massive attack last Saturday night, then again monday, then again this morning. Thinking about how I have been feeling, 2 weeks ago, I was feeling on top of the world, almost invincible - nearly spent £8 grand on a rolex. Then the anxiety, now its depression, and lost interests. Really don't care much.
I've noticed this up and down thing now looking back on it, and its happened a couple of times. Anyone think I'm displaying bipolar ? Should say I have already been diagnosed with GAD/Panic disorder.

28-05-14, 21:50
Hi, it's hard to conclude that you have bi-polar from phases like this. When you have diagnosed anxiety. Sometimes the symptoms and coping mechanisms for the anxiety mimic certain bi-polar traits. I understand the up and down feelings, but for me I'm confident that my hormones just play a huge part in this. Also when you're suffering with anxiety...sometimes you try extra hard to try find ways to make you happy. I know for me when I was suffering quite badly, I would spend loads of money on new clothes etc to give me a lift in mood...but it was always short lived. Hope that helps you slightly. Getting a diagnosis for bi-polar can be quite lengthy and will need to be investigated properly if you really think you are. Being an anxiety sufferer myself....sometimes worrying about having other mental illness problems makes your anxiety worse xx

28-05-14, 22:02
I dated a gal that was bi-polar (I didn't know at first). I have to say that she didn't realize what was going on. I found out later she was on meds and had stopped taking them. It was then, upon an extended stay together, that I saw the behavior and was like "Whoa! What the *!#@&#^ is this?" It was as if she had two personalities, cycling from extremely energetic and happy to angry, nasty and depressed, sometimes within a 24-48 hour period!

I'm not a doctor but I do know when one is in true psychosis, they don't realize it. You're stating you recognize it. Best see a professional as no one can affirm anything on a forum.

Positive thoughts

28-05-14, 22:07
I agree with fishmanpa. I imagine that people in a manic phase don't recognise they are in a manic phase. It's only when others point it out to them. People in a manic phase normally can't rationalise their decisions either for instance 'I know I can't afford this but I want it, so I'm going to have it anyway' as opposed to 'I can't afford it...so I am going to put it back and not purchase it'

29-05-14, 20:45
Thanks for the input guys. I didn't realise I was actually in a potentially (hypo)manic phase until I looked back on my mood from what happened this week.