View Full Version : Hi I am new

28-05-14, 19:22
Hi, hope you are all well, as well as we can all expect. As I said I am new to this site. Have suffered from mental health issues i.e. panic attacks, anxiety and depression for 20 years now. But the symptoms seem to be getting worse, especially the dizziness. I have only started suffering from this symptom for about a year now and absolute hate it, I think for me personally it is the worse thing that can happen to me, I just freeze and can't walk another step, so don't go out unless I have too. Anyway sorry for the negative greeting, but that is my story !!! Hope to chat to you all at some point x

28-05-14, 19:29
Hi, hope you are all well, as well as we can all expect. As I said I am new to this site. Have suffered from mental health issues i.e. panic attacks, anxiety and depression for 20 years now. But the symptoms seem to be getting worse, especially the dizziness. I have only started suffering from this symptom for about a year now and absolute hate it, I think for me personally it is the worse thing that can happen to me, I just freeze and can't walk another step, so don't go out unless I have too. Anyway sorry for the negative greeting, but that is my story !!! Hope to chat to you all at some point x

Hello and :welcome: Sue you dont have to be sorry love I can totally understand you Ive had dizzness for two years now on and off ,and like you its my worst symptom ,you are sure to chat to lots of people her share your experience xxxx

28-05-14, 19:43
Welcome to no more panic mrs stressed
i hope you find this site helpful just like i do
lots of love to you
celticlass xxxx

28-05-14, 19:44
Welcome Sue, I am kind of new too only a few weeks but have found this site to be so supportive and sure you will too :hugs:

29-05-14, 04:58
Hi, Sue! Glad you found us! Your "tribe" as aprilmoon calls us, lol!
You know, I have found that as I get older, I get dizzy on stairs of all places! I always, always hold the handrail and lean into them now. Never used to be that way, used to be able to take stairs 3 at a time when I was younger! Up or down! Now I always feel like I'm falling backwards, and have to stop and get my bearings halfway along. In stores I like to hold onto a shopping cart, because otherwise I often bump into people for no apparent reason. :blush:

29-05-14, 19:06
Hi Sue :welcome: to the forum

29-05-14, 20:02
Welcome Sue55. I am also a Newbie. This is probably my worse symptom next to the Headaches as it seems to always be with me. Wish I new what caused this or what would help to decrease it. So many of us suffer with this and there's no explanation, makes you think there might be something in the atmosphere? I was basically 'NO FEAR' when I was younger, now I feel like a very old woman, in-fact my 81 year old Mother is better than me at the moment. I tend to walk where there are lots of things I could grab hold of when walking or where there's lots of people around. The thing is, I never fall or stumble, its just a feeling of light-headedness or being drunk. I can even fell like it when I am sitting down!? I also have a blocked-up feeling in the nose and when I sneeze, it seems to clear the light-headedness a bit. If anyone has any tips to help this, it would help a lot of people.:scared15: