View Full Version : Neck and shoulder pain

28-05-14, 20:50
Feels like I twisted a muscle but I haven't been doing anything strenuous. Left side only. I'm afraid it's a heart attack. Going into work just need some support and replies that it will be alright. I'm 26 non smoker got my blood pressure and cholesterol under control. But the more I with about it the worst it gets. Thanks

28-05-14, 21:25
I have had such bad beck and shoulder pain!, I am tensing up without even realising! Now I got a new anxiety the neck pain gone!! Do u have any other symptoms to worry about? I'm sure your fine just try relax xx

28-05-14, 22:29
Hi l agree with previous poster, lve had a lot of shoulder and neck problems too, l think its often due to us being so tense, we dont even realise we are tense, even whilst sleeping, which can cause problems. There are some gentle neck exercises you can do online. I was worried and asked the dr as it even went into my jaw but she said its a nerve running from your jaw down into your neck and shoulder.