View Full Version : How do people with kids cope?

28-05-14, 21:51
I'm single, with no children and in my late 30s. I've always said I don't want kids, for many reasons. One of the big ones is because of my depression and anxiety, I can't imagine inflicting this on a child and also having to take care of a child when I can barely take care of myself and even silly things send me into a blind panic. If I have a headache and I'm lying in bed with obsessive thoughts flying through my brain I sit and wonder how do people with kids do it? Especially those who are prone to anxiety/depression etc.

I haven't had sex for years and I am worried about getting pregnant if I do it again. I wonder what I'd do, if I'd have an abortion or if I'd keep it. I worry about ending up a single parent if this happens, and not being able to give 'my child' a decent life. I see how other people struggle, even those where two parents are present.

My brother and his partner have 3 young children. My brother is the most laid back person I know, nothing fazes him and he takes everything in his stride. I think it helps that he has a great job and no money worries. I must have gotten all the anxiety/depression genes in our family. My mother has (jokingly at first) been saying to me "Doesn't it make you want one?" when she sees me with my nieces. She has been pressing the issue a little bit more often saying things like "Supposing you find a man and he wants kids?" I never know what to say but when she starts this talk it makes me anxious. Then it comes back to me at other times and I get stress headaches thinking about it.

Thing is, part of me is upset about the idea of never having a 'family' - by this, I mean the chance to replicate the unit I've grown up with, mum and dad and sibling with all the memories that come with it. I know that being a parent is very hard and I imagine it's even worse if you have health problems. It's weird and a little upsetting seeing friends with kids and knowing that I'd be rubbish as a mother. Sometimes I wonder about it, it must be a biological urge that comes over me from time to time. But I'm not a natural child person although I like being an auntie and am enjoying this role. I can't imagine being pregnant and giving birth, it fills me with dread.

I know the 'happy family thing' isn't the same for many families and that some kids don't speak to their grown up parents for whatever reason and that not everyone has it rosy. Not everyone is the same.

It's also very difficult to find a man as it is, let alone one who doesn't want children. There doesn't seem to be many men out there who don't want kids. Another thing that preoccupies my thoughts.

Am interested to hear from any parents or child free people especially.

Thanks :)

28-05-14, 22:00
Hi, I'm a young mum (22years old), married and have a 3year old son. I have to say that the reason for me getting poorly is prominently because my son has been quite challenging compared to other children.

This is my first episode of anxiety and although I'm much improved now. It was incredibly hard when in the middle and height of it. I needed a lot of support from my parents as I felt totally hopeless at times, and then comes the guilt that you feel for being poorly. I would love to have another baby- it was our plan, but I know it shouldn't be considered until I'm well again... that's not to say that I think people with anxiety/depression shouldn't have children. You can still be a top parent regardless, in fact I imagine for some people....if they've had anxiety/depression before having children...sometimes it can give you a sense of purpose and achievement and gives you a main focus in life. It can be tough when you really have bad downer days- a good support network is key xx

28-05-14, 22:30
When you have them, they come before everything including your own fear.

28-05-14, 23:39
I always worry about this also!! I'm 25 and have been with my fiancé since I was 14 but the idea of having a child scares me for the same reason. I worry that ill never be able to raise a child properly as I panic just going to the local grocery store..... I just hope that I get better before having a family as i can't imagine not having children, but right now I know I couldn't cope xXx

30-05-14, 08:18
I'll tell you how it is having anxiety/depression with children. HARD!!! Guilt ridden doesn't even come close to explain how it makes you feel as a mum bit in a way they help. I've been looking on here this morning for distraction as have woken up feeling awful. My chest feels like it's in a vice, my face is burning hot, have the shakes and would much rather just close my eyes and hide under my duvet and not face the world today. But I also know that I can't as I have three children to look after. Breakfast, lifts to clubs, the everyday washing dinner making beds.... And somewhere from the pit of my stomach, I find the will to do these things. Don't get me wrong, the anxiety is overwhelming at the moment, last two days horrendous! That's where the guilt comes in. My eldest has EBSD so doesn't have empathy or understanding of it all but my 9 year old daughter, all she has to do is look at my face and she just knows. 'Mummy is your anxiety bad today?' Makes my heart bleed... I have tried to explain it to them that there are days I can't do everything they want me to, like going to the park or visiting people but also tell them that I'll be back to my normal self soon, just wish I could believe that myself. I wouldn't say I inflict it on them but it does have an effect, and I was fine until having my middle child when post natal depression kicked in then losing my dad last year is when the anxiety set in! I don't want them growing up thinking that how I am is normal as growing up with a manic depressive mum was hard on me and my sisters and don't want the same for my children. Unfortunately we don't decide to be as we are but we decide we want to be parents. X

10-06-14, 23:08
Thanks for all your replies :)