View Full Version : Trying to survive...

28-05-14, 22:23
Hi lm a newbie. Im going through a particularly tough time. Ive had anxiety in many forms for many years, resulting (l believe) from another chronic illness lve had since l was a teenager. Anyway right now l feel like lm going insane and have no where to turn.
Ive recently changed tablets and it seems to have sent my health anxiety into overdrive.
Tonight l am panicing because l have constipation, probably because lve been so stressed (lve had IBS for years). Anyway previously lve had blood, but lve never had it checked, although l did talk to the pharmacist. Im trying hard not to obsess, as yesterday l got into a right state because l thought l had a lump in my throat. It makes me feel so stupid, l dont know how to take control. Ive done CBT, but in a panic lm so sure that l am seriously ill l just dont seem to be able to use it.
I asked the doctor to refer me for more help... so fingers crossed l dont have to wait too long. I just dont think anyone takes it seriously, yet right now its ruining my life! Just not sure how much more of it l can cope with, l will.... because l have no other choice.
I hope in using this site l can start to understand that lm not alone.

28-05-14, 23:03
Hi rubyroo,

Im an anxiety sufferer myself and ive been plagued with stomach stuff for years. Im a little bit sensitive to milk so maybe talk to your doctor because there might be some foods that agitate your tummy and thus cause IBS (im not officially diagnosed but my mum suffers from it sometimes and since my anxiety started, ive noticed stress makes things worse)

Ive also been in the boat where i though no one took me seriously. Every check up i got i was convinced that there was something wrong with me. One thing to know is that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! What we have to come to terms with at some stage is that, the diagnosis of anxiety is what it is, and the quicker we accept it, the quicker we can move on, get treated and get recovered. In terms of CBT, keep going with it in whatever way you can. There are so many CBT resources out there for free so do use them and stick to it... it will click one day :)

Final thing to know is however much you think you cant cope with it, the truth is you can. We humans are stronger than we think at coping with horrid things such as anxiety; make sure youve got a good support system and a good doctor who will explain things to you and treat you with respect (some doctors dont understand anxiety at all and can give you the wrong info/meds or can be complete pr**ks)

Any questions, dont hesistate to message me :)

29-05-14, 13:25
Thank you for your reply Emma, yes l went to a homeopath years ago and she said l was wheat and lactose intolerant, so l took a few years off from all wheat and lactose, and then managed to reintroduce it. Could be that, or could just be anxiety affecting it l guess.
lts that not knowing and lack of control l dont think l can deal with. I think l almost feel 'ashamed' of feeling this way, so bottle so much up and you can only do this to a point before it becomes too much.

I will definately persevere with the CBT. Thanks for your support