View Full Version : bone like lump back wall of throat

28-05-14, 23:23
Hello just wondering if anybody could help ... im trying not to panic straight away so I came on her to see if anybody has this also.

right so .. at the moment .. my health anxiety is focused on my neck area and lymph nodes ect .. so I was shining a torch into my mouth and saw that on the back wall of my throat, behind my uvula (dangly thing in throat) I have a lump sort of thing ... so obviously being me I went exploring and stuck my finger into the back of my throat to have a feel ... this thing was hard ... feels like a bone .... trying not to panic ... but the C word is trying to take over ... anyone else have this?

Worried 24/7
28-05-14, 23:43
I have the exact same thing and have been stressing out! I read some things saying it could be from sinus drainage. Do you have a lot of drainage? I also read it could be a cyst

29-05-14, 02:30
I had one on the roof of my mouth. Was sinus related it went away. I guess if sinuses get to full it can make pocket.

29-05-14, 08:23
Hey guys! Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me! Yes I had a bad sinus infection for about 3 months (thats what started my brain tumour anxiety because ofnthe really bad headaches)
I think the sinus infection has gone but I do still get the post nasal drip ... however can this really be a cause? I mean this is as hard as bone ?

Worried 24/7
30-05-14, 17:52
Mine is the white lump in the very back. Feels like bone

Worried 24/7
30-05-14, 17:56

Read what's on that link, this is what I found

30-05-14, 18:02
Hey worried! Just looked at ur pic and thats exactly where mine is! I also just took a look at the link and it makes sense ... but for some reason I have a feeling this is something everybody may have ... but I dont have the guts to ask anyone to check

Worried 24/7
30-05-14, 18:44
Well no matter what, sinus makes sense :-) I have drainage a lot cuz of allergies and frequent colds

30-05-14, 18:53
Wish I could be as positive as you I really do :(

Worried 24/7
30-05-14, 20:25
Well, I've been stressing out as well about mine but between you and that link I feel more reassured

30-05-14, 20:30
It is reassuring that you have it aswell ... i doubt something serious would be in the exact same place on both of us

Worried 24/7
31-05-14, 03:49
Yeah, and other people online apparently as well. Hope you feel a little better :-)

31-05-14, 11:00
I do :) if anything its just that horrible voice in my head thats making me think something is wrong .... I just need to learn to ignore the stupid thing .

Ive asked u this before but completely forgot .. how long have u had urs?

12-12-14, 19:57
Folks - I read the whole conversation. What was the diagnoses after all? I am experiencing a similar issue for the last 20 days.

27-08-16, 18:13
Hello guys, since 4 months i saw that small bump right in the same place, behind my uvula a bit to the right, was like a pimple, i ignored it, well after 3 months i was shocked that it has grown larger, now it is the size of a pinutt, it is hard as a rock, i have had redness in my throat for a year now, sometimes without symptoms sometimes i feel a sore throat sensation, i did fungal and bacterial swipes but it turned negative, my doctor told me it is granulation due to chronic pharyngitis, she told me to gargle with salty water, it didn't help, i took antibiotics on my own since i am a medical worker, it didn't help, finally while researching i found the shocking explanation, a bump in the back of the throat or in the area called Oropharynx, mostly is an Orphopharynx tumor, it hits the smokers and alcoholics, but in young people it is caused by HPV virus or human papiloma virus, which is transmitted sexualy, oral sex with an infected person, for example, i know it sounds like i am panicking a lot, and i am, but what i have been told is that only a CT scan can show the real thing and determine the best way to cure it, the bigger it gets the more difficult is to operate it, i am scared of everything, the therapy, the surgery, etc.... But i have to do something while it still 2cm in size.

07-05-17, 19:30
I know his is an old post but did any of you find out what these bone like lumps were on back of throat wall? I am paranoid about throat cancer just now and checking throat constantly and came across something that sounds exactly what yous are describing.

20-04-18, 03:30
Has anyone figured it out ? I have the exact same thing! I went to the doc and she said I have a sinus infection and post nasal drip. Did it end up going away? How long did it take if so?

27-04-18, 01:55
The worst part of this is no one responds.

27-04-18, 04:08
It’s quite a specific thing, perhaps no-one else knows?

Listen to your GP though.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

27-04-18, 11:32
I guess I meant everyone that has had the same thing that was already on this thread. I can see that it started in 2014 and they have posted since in 2018 so it can’t be that big of a threat but my h/a has me on one. First doc said give it a month and see where it’s at but thinks it’s due to constant post nasal drip and a sinus infection ,a week later google re convinces me in dieing. Go to er and the doc gave me about 30 secs of his time and said he isn’t to worried about it but to see an ent if it would make me feel better. Just would like to hear the outcome from the people that have had it.

28-04-18, 21:03

---------- Post added at 21:03 ---------- Previous post was at 20:57 ----------

I couldn’t rememember my username, but I was convinced I wrote this! I had exactly the same thing a few weeks ago, same throat anxiety. Checked with torch. 100% identical. I came to the following conclusions

When you have your head to one side, your larynx moves too, which gives the effect of a lump...

Anyway. I went to doctor. Was dismissed... so I did some thinking and realised it was probably the first time id ever touched the back of my mouth and I expected it to be spongy like my soft palate. What you’re actually feeling (I think, from reading other things) is the very back of the atlas bone in your spine. There isn’t really anything behind the posterior pharyngeal wall. Tilt your head the opposite side of the lump and see if it disappears. I think you’re just having what I was having.

29-04-18, 00:29
I don’t have to have my head to the side to see the bump. I can just open my mouth and raise my uvula and boom there is a noticeable bump right in the middle behind my uvula. When I first found it, it was because I was getting a bunch of acid reflux and if felt like something was lodged back there. Reflux gone and so is the feeling of something g in my throat. During that time however, I went searching and found this lump. it doesn’t hurt, doesn’t affect my swallowing, no problems with it other than mentally. The picture that worried24/7 posted earlier in this thread is exactly where mine is and it feels exactly like a bone. That is why I was hoping to get more info from worried24/7 about how it all turned out. If it was from drainage or not. That is what both docs chalked it up to when I went in. I’m about two weeks deep and this thing hasn’t gotten bigger but also has not gotten smaller. Maybe it is a bone and honestly I’m not super worried about it like I first was, however I don’t think my mind will Be 100% at ease until I see an ent. Unfortunately that appt isn’t for a few weeks. Until then I will continue to monitor it.

---------- Post added at 23:29 ---------- Previous post was at 22:35 ----------

However I have seen the diagrams that you are talking about and honestly it could be exactly that. To be honest if the diagrams of tha anterior atlas bone are accurate the bump in the back of my throat is very similarly shaped. It could have been there all my life and I would have never known because I’ve never had a reason to go exploring until recently and now I wish I never did.

14-12-19, 20:56
I apologize for digging up an old thread, but I found this from Googling around.

I have the exact same thing. A lump that appears a little whitish when fully contracting the throat to take a good look. It’s just behind the uvula and if I relax you cant really see it. It’s only until you contract and get the uvula up that you can really see it.

It’s bony feeling. Very hard. Maybe like cartilage or something.

I too don’t have any symptoms other than for some reason my anxiety is about throat right now. It changes every few weeks after I calm about one thing, another area of by body becomes the new concern. I wouldn’t have noticed this unless I was looking with flash light anxiously. I also have a very large throat and an uncanny ability to really open it up. I’ve had doctors tell me that it would be so easy to intubate me because my throat is so open. So I don’t know if that’s the same for you guys and maybe that’s why we can see this bony type thing but other people can’t.

The fact a few people here have exact same issue as well as a few others I found Googling and it presenting in exact area is encouraging that it is normal anatomy for us.

05-10-20, 01:42
Did you ever find out what yours was? I have this same hard big lump. Noticed it two months ago. Is it something serious??

20-04-21, 21:55
I have the same, and it has always been there, and does not change.
If it is JUST behind the uvula and is hard as bone, I mean.
It is just part of the neck vertebrae. Just google neck vertebrae and see how close it is to the back of the mouth.
Try this one thing: Put your tongue on this hard lump. Keep the tongue there, while you move the head from side to side. Back to center, and now move the head up and down? The lump moves, and it is clear that it is part of the vertebrae.

29-05-21, 23:20
Did you find out? For the past couple months, I've had post nasal drip and feeling like something stuck in my throat so I'm constantly checking and I find this bump type feeling right behind uvula and it extends down my throat. I'm freaking out