View Full Version : Adjusting

29-05-14, 02:08
Hello. On my 10th day with sertraline, side effects have subsided a bit... but i can't seem to force myself to go to the gym then start working, would rather stay in bed and sleep :) Panic attacks have dwindled but feeling anxiety and dizziness due to the meds.

Glad to be here and meet new friends.

29-05-14, 04:33
Hi dad50....I'm in the same situation, although I'm on 20mg of Citalopram, day 9. Not having panic attacks every thirty seconds but still feel anxious. Hope we feel better soon. I'm so sick of this! Welcome to the site, it's been helpful for me.

29-05-14, 19:04
Hi dad50 also on cit and been on for 6 months it will get better

30-05-14, 00:18
Hi, Rey52, thanks for your reply, how are you doing at almost 6 months on meds? best regards

30-05-14, 00:23
Hi dad50
Hang in there :) you are doing well.
I am on wk 3 of Cioralex and my anxiety is improving day by day and yours will too.
Hope your sleeping OK :hugs:

30-05-14, 00:35
Thank you, bbjenny, no problem with sleep hehe. Just can't wait to go back to the normal things I do daily like gym and work. I feel much better today and will try to start things up, been lying down for almost 5 days!!!! Hahaha bad medicine effects

I hope you are fine and well :)