View Full Version : Has anyone had a diagnosis explaining symptoms other than HA?

29-05-14, 09:02
Just wondering if after perhaps many symptoms and tests anyone has gone on to receive a diagnosis for their symptoms other than Health Anxiety? Was it health anxiety all along or actually something else? Or a bit if both?

29-05-14, 11:42
Yes I have Trueman the gut problems were gastritis and duodenitis not just anxiety stomach although that certainly didn't help and the aching they put down to depression was fibromyalgia .

29-05-14, 13:14
Mine wasn't really a physical diagnosis ... My therapist said it was likely also complicated by PTSD and depression. Oh, the fun!

29-05-14, 17:23
I've been diagnosed with pinched nerves in my cervical spine and thoracic outlet syndrome. Neither of which were backed up with imaging, neither of which explain my symptoms lower down in my body, and thus neither of which I really believe!