View Full Version : heart anxiety again!!!

29-05-14, 13:19
My left arm is feeling weird again, left shoulder blade more towards the middle of my back has a bit of a pain!
I'm just really stressing about it and im really tensed:weep:

29-05-14, 13:27
Sorry your struggling! If your really tense its more than likely that causing the pain. Have had similar things

29-05-14, 13:38
I tend to stay so tensed these days, its like i have no control over my body anymore.

29-05-14, 13:47
My left side gets all of my stress pain/symptoms. I experience this fear, and while my symptoms aren't here, I can reassure you that it is only stress/anxiety and that you are safe.

29-05-14, 13:57
Thank you, i needed to read that:hugs:

I'm just a nervous wreak over this when i know what it is and been through it before.

29-05-14, 14:01
We see anxiety as a way of coping. It may have been when we were young. Now we can use kinder and more efficient ways. Like reaching out to loving people, in mutual compassion.
Go in peace. You are safe.

29-05-14, 14:07
Yea sounds just about right, thanks for the advice.How do you deal with your anxiety?

29-05-14, 14:09
Meditation. Walking. Good therapy. Also creating a network of supportive friendships.

29-05-14, 14:17
Sounds great, i walk and have network friends.

---------- Post added at 08:17 ---------- Previous post was at 08:11 ----------

Oh yea, what do you mean by go in peace you are safe?

29-05-14, 14:57
Hi, I was fixated on my heart for a month and it was the sorest most dreadful time of my life. I thought I was having a heart attack everytime I lay in bed. My chest would be so painful and my rib cage was terrible. but the main point is the fact that anxiety can make up the sorest most painful symptoms and even if the symptoms aren't sore, they have a way of getting at us. Good Luck is stopping those nasty symptoms but be ready so you don't go in full blown panic like me.

- Love John.

P.S Hope You Get Better!

29-05-14, 16:05
Yes they are very nasty, i tell my husband all the time i dont wish this on my worst enemy, it was worse then this 2 months ago when my father past away, for 2 weeks i was in and out or the emergency room, ems coming to my house and at one point they admitted me in the hospital to run test and put me on a heart monitor just to ease my mind and it helped alot, even brought in a heart doctor! Everything was fine, i have high blood pressure at 23 years old, they said its from my stress and anxiety and now i take lisinopril for that....

29-05-14, 16:31
Lol! Eve, hunni, I think our friend Bluebottle was passing along a little blessing of sorts to you. Go in peace is what my yoga teacher says as we are leaving after class :hugs: I know it won't be easy most of the daytime around there, but you too can find some peace in prayer and meditation, and that will ease your stress level! My back, especially on the right side, and the tops of my shoulders are tense all the time and hurt :weep: But after letting them heat through with the heating pad (sometimes for a couple of tries, moving it around to get all the area plus the tops of my shoulders, I will do some exercises that really loosen things up. I sit on the edge of the couch bent a bit at the waist, and swing one arm around in big slow circles over the floor clockwise (10 circles or so) and then counterclockwise, then rest the arm on my knee for about 10 seconds. Then I do it again, rest, then one more time, and start again with the other arm. This really loosens up the top of the shoulders, the arms and the shoulder blades. You don't have to be able to complete it all in one sitting, no worries. Just try to apply some heat each time you pick up where you left off, okay? :bighug1:

29-05-14, 18:11
Lol, oh ok, ha, It freaked me out a bit, i thought he was really telling me to go~ lol:roflmao:
I will try my best to find some peace and prayer, at church is a great place that i relax at, i have a heating pad guess i better put it to use asap, thank you :hugs: