View Full Version : finally found you xxxxx

29-05-14, 21:28
Hi gang,my name is Maria,i am 39 and have suffered from severe depression for over 15v years along with low self esteem and hatred of how i look,i am on prozac again after stupidly stopping taking it and its hit me hard this time,i feel worse than ever,i had to take a day off work as i was so ill so i am in trouble with them and my partner wont even discuss it with me ,i feel so alone and suicidal ,help xxxxxxxxx

29-05-14, 22:48
Hello, Maria, and :welcome:
How long have you been on your medication? You'll need to give it time to work, but there is plenty you can do to help yourself out right now. Sorry you are in trouble at work and home, but at least you are digging yourself out now! Your doctor can give you a note for work (okay, mine charges about $50 for it, but well worth it!) His office can even fax it to work for you. It doesn't need to go into what you are under care for at all, only needs to say that you are under his care and are unable to work at present. They cannot fire you if you have a medical reason for being AWOL. And you do. So, get that done and talk to the doctor about whether he will allow you take a week off. Use this time to settle into a proper self-care schedule. I hear very good things about Prozac, many people have little to no side effects and are able to work fine while taking it. Things will start looking up soon, but you need to take responsibility now where you can. That includes protecting your job and more importantly your recovery. Lots of us come off medications thinking we are going to be fine, and aren't after all. Don't beat yourself up. You're back on the horse now. Remind yourself you got better before, and you can again.
Hang in there, glad you found us! xx :hugs:

29-05-14, 22:53
Hiya and welcome to NMP:welcome:

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

Catherine S
29-05-14, 23:04
Maria, if you really do feel suicidal it might be better to call the Samaritans or somebody like them, as they are trained to deal with such a serious issue as this. Please take care.

29-05-14, 23:25
Maria welcome:welcome:...I understand how you feel, talk to your partner tell him how you feel I am sure he will comfort you. You know the tablets work for you so dont give up hope...they just need time to kick in...Hang in there and keep posting...I am 3 wks in to my meds now but they are taking effect now and there is light at the end and there is for you too.
If your partner won't listen reach out to anyone that will friend, parent neighbour.
Sending you a hug:hugs:

30-05-14, 00:46
Hey, Booboojenny! So glad to hear you're feeling better! :bighug1: