View Full Version : can anyone with palps plz help

29-05-14, 22:21
I have skipping heart beats as I've posted many times before. They scare the crap outta me. I wanna know what everyone else feels when they have palps and skipped beats.

Skylar Storm
04-06-14, 17:10
Hi, I spent 10 years of my life having palps, skipped beats, fluttering, heart going too slow..I totally understand what it feels like and how scary it is. I had test after test after test, ECG, heart monitoring etc and nothing was ever diagnosed. It was all a symptom of anxiety. I rarely get it now due to lots of self help, learning to deal with stress differently and most of all, not panicking when it happened. It seemed to just disappear once I learned to accept it was happening and didn't freak out as that just made it worse and it just didn't stop. There are sooo many people that suffer with this so you are not alone. Good luck

04-06-14, 17:15

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

04-06-14, 22:18
i suffer with it to have done for 7 years now, was ok for a couple of years and just lived with them but now they seem to be back harder and stronger, i looked up a link on here today by dr barry its a bit of cbt etc and it made alot of sense, the palps flutters rapid heartbeats drive me mad and scare the crap out of me just sitting here writing this and im getting a flutter in my throat ( a new symptom for me lol ) but i believe that alot of symptoms are caused by adrenalin rushing through the body and adrenalin wont kill you and neither will a palp flutter or rapid beat ... just hang in there and look up some self help etc thats what im doing xx