View Full Version : Rushing butterfly's

29-05-14, 23:58
Sorry if this is a stupid question but i havnt really had much help and advice with my illness - my dr hasnt really taken anytime to help or explain to me what i may experience With anxiety, pretty much been left to try cope the best i can and i feel like im getting worse but anyway i just wanted to know is it normal to get a over load of fear type of butterfly's out of no where in to the stomach? to the point where you need to keep taking deep breathes to try calm them down?
Ive had this quite a lot, i was just sat watching breaking bad and i got a sudden rush of butterfly's so strong i had to stand and take deep breathes for a short while until it passed, its still there a little but no way near as bad.

Thank you.

Catherine S
30-05-14, 00:08
Butterflies in the stomach is the oldest description for anxiety, and sorry if I sound like I'm making less of the feeling for you, but its a lovely description of it...haven't heard it in a while. Try to think that the butterflies are just reminding you that you are getting yourself too worked up about things, and they are a normal reaction to your anxiety. Take deep breaths whenever you feel like this...slow and deep. But what a shame to take away the butterflies :)


And programmes like Breaking Bad will bring n a little anxiety but that's also normal.

30-05-14, 00:15
Having watched all of Breaking Bad ... I got lots of that feeling while watching!!!

30-05-14, 15:53
Thanks guys.

Im getting them really badly to the point it makes all my skin feel prickly! Then i start having twisted crazy thoughts, that i struggle to cope with i have to either deal with them and try my best to ignore the sensation and feelings why in public or if im at home i hold my head in my hands because i cant cope with the feelings. Im glad i found this site, its been a massive help some days i feel like im going insane its that bad and i keep telling myself i cant cope like this, i have 2 young children im trying my best to soldier on but it getting the best of me these sensations. Again Are these normal sensations of anxiety? Ive started taking some anti depressants just over a week ago could this be the side effects?
Its been that bad today ive had to taken 6 2mg diazepam spread out morning dinner & just.

Listen thanks again for all your advice - ive never felt so scared & alone!! 8-(
Thats from a 30 year old boxer! Im petrified il never get my life back on track again.

30-05-14, 15:57
It's very common for me. It's like how you felt on Christmas morning when you were 8, but not in a nice way.

This is coming from 250lbs of ex 'hard *******' :D

30-05-14, 16:12
I hate this symptom, its how I wake when I am in anxious mode

30-05-14, 17:45
I can deal with these butterfly sensations even though they are strong its the thoughts and feelings of the thoughts that follow - its like someone taking my brain out twisting it up putting it back in then saying ok no unfold and deal with it. ......i hope someone can relate to this sensation and i really really not going insane! I had these feelings but very very strong with setraline or what ever there called i stopped after 4 days they made me bad! im now taking citrolpam could it be that this type of medication does agree with me?
All i know is im petrified of the thoughts & sensations coming back. I honestly cant live like this no god damn more!