View Full Version : Awake with the shakes

30-05-14, 03:35
Been awhile since I posted, how's everyone doing
Who's awake and wants to chat need some distraction, I have the shakes
just woke like it's like a rush of adrenaline but where can that come from
when I was sleeping, who else gets this....it can be really scarey to suddenly
wake with a heart rate of 110

30-05-14, 04:06
Hi Manda....you are not alone. I've been there and it's quit scary. Do some deep breathing, concentrate in your breath, doing it multiple times. Just try and relax, you are ok. This will pass.


01-06-14, 04:18
Me too! Shaky, awoken with a panic attack.

Just noticed this was from last night - hope you are better tonight.

01-06-14, 05:00
How are you feeling Kayleigh? Doing any better?

jane diane
01-06-14, 06:51
hi same with me ,shakes ever morning,i think I need to change my meds ,try belly breathing it my help

01-06-14, 10:12
A little better but not great. Now it's light I can try and busy myself with stuff to divert my attention from the panic a bit. I've a doctor appointment tomorrow so will need to discuss going into medication of some sort or another bout of CBT which helped a lot 18 months ago.