View Full Version : Cant sleep!!

30-05-14, 07:05
:weep: Sleepless night, im really anxious, if i do fall asleep i wake up in a panic because i think i cant breath:scared15:
Im so fed up with this anxiety crap, why wont it just go away and leave me alone:weep::mad::lac:

30-05-14, 09:10
Aaahhhh chick, sounds like you have had a rough night?

I went through a stage of forcing myself not to go to sleep as I was worried id stop breathing whilst I was asleep.. but ve reassured it really is anxiety, even if you went ti the doctor they would say the same thing? But why dont you go to the doctors for that little bit of reassurance

But now after so long of nt wanting to go to sleep. I now have insomnia. .. I camt get sleep till like 2-3 am sometimes, and I have to be up aat 5am on some days.
Even if im tired I just can't go to sleep.. but in all fairness I have been getting to sleep earlier and earlier, sort of week by week. But in the mornings I am completly shahootered

30-05-14, 13:23
Yes it was awful, on top of pressured tensed muscles i was almost going crazy!
My anxiety is really starting to annoy me, im getting so pissed at it!! uggghhh:mad:
I'm even fed up going to the dr because its always the same thing, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety!!
I's driving me mad, lol
I miss myself so much, this is not me at all These past 6 months with severe anxiety is kicking my butt.

30-05-14, 13:33
Yeah achey muscles are common too as we tense so much.. anxiety just sucks.

I lnow what you mean about missing the old you too, its horrible not being what you used to be as anxiety just gets in the way allll the time.

If your doctor is like that just go to a different one, one who don't know you have anxiety x

30-05-14, 13:38
Yes, it really does get in the way!
My upper back stays tensed along with left shoulder and arm, sends me in a panic every time.
I will ask around for a good dr around here just to change things up a bit see if i get a different answers and test results even tho deep down i know i wont!

30-05-14, 15:34
Sorry, hunni :weep: I'll try to find out the name of that free computer dimming download for you. A couple of people mentioned it awhile back. It causes no harm, and it works great. Like most of us, I know you will tend to be on your computer late at night :winks: This makes it so the light coming out isn't the harsh kind that interferes with sleep. Hang in there, sweetie! :hugs:
Love ya, Marie
ps your hair is beautiful!!

30-05-14, 18:13
At night i turn it down to the lowest brightness, i get on my laptop all the time to ease my mind and because i cant sleep!
Love ya more <3:D
oooohh thank you :hugs:

30-05-14, 21:29
Eve hunni!! Thanks to PanchoGoz, here's the link! It is more than reducing the brightness of the screen, it is about changing the color of the light to be better for sleep after ... you'll see, it works!! PLEASE try this! Quick download, no problems, I love it! :yahoo:

