View Full Version : Heart Hammers

30-05-14, 12:22
Hi All

Havent been on in a couple of years was coping with the palpatations and had had every heart test done possible, as you will see my heart seems to be the focus of my anxiety ... over the last couple of years i have had a band fitted lost 7 stone nearly in a very good stable loving relationship and have just moved house and BANG .... its back like its never been away ... i find it hard to cope with heart palpatations where as before for 3 years ive been coping fine .. i also now get what i call heart hammers where my heart just keeps rapidly beating and kicks in an adrenaline rush .... these are new to me ... havent had this before and it has totally screwed my head up i was coping and now im not, am 2 weeks into counselling sessions and have been put on 10mg ciprolax a day before this i hadnt had anything for 2 years !!!
Does anyone else get these what i call heart hammers, atm i feel like the only person in the world who gets them.

Many thanks for any replies i hope you are all well and coping

Amanda xx

30-05-14, 12:55
It's quite common for it to come back out of the blue, I find especially after a stressful time in your life (moving IS stressful) and once you start to relax.

It's happened a few times to me, usually late at night just as I'm about to try and sleep where all of a sudden my heart rate jumps up to 140-150bpm and sounds like it's trying to hammer its way out of my chest.

Thing is, it isn't actually anything new or worrying. Your mind/body just remembers what it's like to have a panic attack so goes back to that place fairly easily. It's just a matter of deep breathing and not reacting to it (and thereby hyping it up in your mind).

I don't take AD's myself, but it could partially be a reaction to the meds as well, although don't quote me on that!

Just let it pass.

30-05-14, 13:04
thanks i am trying to let it pass but this particular episode has been hammering me for over 5 weeks now have only been on the tablets 2 weeks as i found myself at the doctors breaking down over it, its horrible to know in myself that i was coping with this and now im not ... i keep thinking back to how i was and i know i got to the point with the palps that if i got one it didnt bother me now everything does and i DO hope it passes as it is driving me crazy ... my life is where i want it to be i dont understand why its back

thanks again

Amanda xx

30-05-14, 13:51

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

30-05-14, 15:45
Thanks Nicola i havent been on the site for a couple of years and didnt realise this section existed .... can have a nice long read now and see if it eases seeing others that are similar xx