View Full Version : Lip twitch

30-05-14, 19:48
Have an upper lip twitch for about a week any one had this what isit ?

30-05-14, 20:53
I've had twitches literally everywhere. It's okay it's usually from stress. It will stop soon.

30-05-14, 23:19
I have a twitch that thinks its ok to keep coming back, it always happens on my eye and can last around a week or so..

I dont think its anything serious, just more irritating than anything. Plus the more you think about it the more you will notice it

30-05-14, 23:21
I have twitched everywhere. They really bothered me last year, but I am fine with them now. I still get them, but truthfully the less I think about them, the less I get them.

30-05-14, 23:22
Every part of my body has twitched at some stage.

Every part. Even the embarrassing ones.

31-05-14, 02:37
Hi there, I get twitches too. I sometimes have a twitch on my lower eyelid on my left eye. Sometimes my feet or hands twitch while I'm sat down too. It usually stops after a few days or a week, you'll be ok :)

01-06-14, 06:43
Natalie, I smiles when I saw this post. I check these boards almost every day. My general problems involve dizzyness, and heart attack worries. Today I got on the train to go to work and the left side of both my upper and lower lip started to twitch, and that never happens to me. So...I'd think its safe to say, just anxiety. Mine has since stopped, it only lasted about twenty minutes, then came back a few hours later for ten more. Hope yours is better!