View Full Version : Need advice re antidepressants.

30-05-14, 20:17
Basically I have been on antidepressants now for almost 6 years. I was first put on Fluoxetine and gained around a stone but at the time I was skinny so it didn't bother me, however last year I was switched to Paroxetine and am now about .3 on the BMI scale from being overweight.
My diet and activity levels have never changed since I was a teen (now 25). I come off meds around 5 weeks ago in hopes of losing weight, although after days and days of research it seems that most people only lose weight after 6 - 12 months of not being on it.
Not suprisingly I am feeling pretty crappy at the moment. So I will most likely need to go back on and it is vital I do not gain anymore weight. I know I could eat less, but I do not feel like that is fair considering I have always had the same diet. The bigger I am getting, the worse I feel. I am in tears on a daily basis.
I also have no libido whatsoever (am in a longterm relationship and this is seriously affecting it). When on meds I also need a daily nap which is just no good for my lifestyle (have a 7 year old)
Is there any antidepressants that do not cause weight gain and loss of libido? I would be especially interested in hearing about people who had gained on one and not on another as this would give me hope. I have looked into Wellbutrin and it seemed very promising, but last night I discovered it is not available in the UK. I feel so stuck, I have heard people say they'd be happy with a few extra lbs if they felt good in themselves, but even my partner has noticed that the bigger I am getting, the more agitated I am becoming.

30-05-14, 20:33
Hey keekee...I can't say for sure as I've only been on one anxiety med, but I take 20mg of Citalopram and I never gained weight from it. The main side effect in the beginning is usually nausea, so if anything you'll lose weight. Sorry I couldn't be more help.

30-05-14, 20:37
That is fine, thank you very much for your input. Unfortunately I took Citalopram for 4 months last year and experienced what I believe was depersonalisation. It was horrendous.
I was most recently on Paroxetine, but my weight was increasing and increasing and was not letting up (I gained a stoneish on Prozac but then my weight stabilised).
I wish there was more info on this as doctors insist the weight gain is an increased appetite but mine is definitely not. I am an emotional eater so when antidepressants kick in I should effectively lose weight which I never do.

30-05-14, 22:05
I gained massively on mirtazapine plus it made me feel suicidal. Have lost weight on duloxetine and feel generally much better than I have in years. (Previously had fluoxetine and escitalopram without weight change). There is hope!

30-05-14, 22:28
Thanks Jingo, That must have been awful, I have been very lucky in that respect as I have never felt suicidal. It must be utterly terrifying.
Ill have a look into that one, yes I read a thread on Mirt earlier on where most had gained noticeable amounts of weight.

31-05-14, 00:14
This is what I found online about Zyban (the same thing as Wellbutrin, marketed for smoking cessation).

British National Formulary:
Unfortunately WellbutrinŽ is not marketed in the UK and so is not available on prescription. Bupropion (the active ingredient in WellbutrinŽ) is available in the UK but it is marketed as ZybanŽ for smoking cessation. We suggest that you discuss the matter with your general practitioner.

Me, I would make a couple of calls to find out just how long you would be prescribed it. I have read reviews where people have been on it for 3 months or more. I suppose it would be up to your doctor in the end.

31-05-14, 11:31
Wow, thank you for that sadnomore. I will certainly mention this to my doctor. I'm guessing he will not allow it due to me being a non smoker, but its worth a try :)

31-05-14, 17:32
I have put on weight while on different meds,but have lost weight now I am on venlafaxine. I am eating well,but don't have the big appetite I had while on other medication. x

31-05-14, 18:58
Wellbutrin is prescribed a lot here in the US. It's used sometimes in conjunction with other antidepressants to counter-act the loss of libido or on its own.

I was on Lexapro (Escitalopram) and didn't have any weight gain.

---------- Post added at 13:58 ---------- Previous post was at 13:57 ----------

Also, while you are off meds, do you exercise? It can help mood along with the weight-loss factor.

31-05-14, 20:08
Thanks for the replies guys.
My appetite hasn't increased, yet my weight persists, that's why I am so scared to go back on (although I am almost certain I will as I feel I have no other option).

Yes I was doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, it made me feel more alert (so I could stave off napping), but certainly didn't improve my mood (NOTHING does, other than spending money, which is not an option as I havent been getting any personal income for a year now). I also didn't lose any weight on it but I did appear to (just) fit into some jeans that I could previously not fasten.

For the last 2ish weeks though I have a (hopefully ridiculous) fear of a blood clot and exercise is out of the question until I have next seen the doctor (9th June).

I wonder if this set back could be due to me pretty much going cold turkey - I was on 30mg Paroxetine, went to 10mg for 4 weeks then quit. No withdrawals other than this low mood and a bit parasthesia.

31-05-14, 20:56
Well, that does sound logical, hunni. Let us know what you decide :hugs: