View Full Version : Lightheadedness Explained

30-05-14, 20:49
To Anyone suffering from Lightheadedness.

My Therapist explained my lightheadedness to me, which has helped me to understand it a bit more.
She first noticed I was breathing shallow and when you do this, you are not taking in as much Oxygen as you should be doing. This then causes the lightheadedness and sometimes head pain; which is something else I suffer with. Now, I don't know sometimes I am doing this, and have probably not done it before I suffered with Anxiety and Panic Attacks. The Therapist told me that my nervousness and Anxiety is probably causing the shallow breathing and the whole thing becomes a vicious circle. I worry about everything, I have Health Anxiety, Death Anxiety, Phobias, and generally a nervous wreck. I jump at someone closing a door, I really am that bad. So, considering I have lightheadedness most of the time, this makes sense. But, If I am doing something that takes all my concentration or is very enjoyable or relaxing, it goes away. Her suggestion was to incorporate some hobbies, past-times, sport, fun things into a daily routine and they would help to eliminate the nervous times and keep the lightheadedness at bay. Its strange, but I played Tennis and felt fine, I spent hours gardening and felt fine, but a walk down the street or getting up in the morning, I am lightheaded. The Mind is controlling how I feel in my Body, they are both connected. The other thing she mentioned, was to put as much as you can in Diary form; i.e. things that need doing, chores, appointment, diaries, bills to be paid and so on. This relieves the mind of more pressure if you are a worrier. I mentioned a Holiday, but she said it was much better to have a fulfilled life on a regular basis. Fill it up with relaxation, fun and hobbies, socializing and things to do. Hope this helps some of you.:hugs:

30-05-14, 20:54
An extremely clear and valid explanation, carnation. I would encourage anyone suffering with lightheadedness to take this onboard and re-read this regularly.
After all, if you were to speed your breathing up & deliberately take short breaths, lightheadedness would soon present itself.
Definitely a vicious circle for many but now that your therapist has pointed this out to you (& you have shared this as well) it can be worked on and changed.
I reckon you wil begin to recognise more and more when you are doing this and will become better at regulating your breathing more deeply & naturally. Alongside that, I also believe you will discover many of the things making you nervous can also be worked on & improved....... At some point in the future you will be "lightheadedness-free" and your anxiety will also fade too