View Full Version : that "swaying" feeling..

11-12-06, 19:59
hi there-please can anyone tell me if with anxiety they get a feeling like they are swaying-but your not really...ive noticed a couple of times i can be sat or stood still and all of a sudden my head feels like its moving-it scares me...then i start pulse checking cos im sure it will lead to me passing out.....is this all in my head, or am i really feeling it-its not so much a dizzy feeling, more a whoosy feeling, if anyone knows what i mean...also my head feels really tight and odd-
why do we keep getting new symptoms? is just to keep us all on our toes!............
take care allxx

11-12-06, 23:42

I got this yesterday whilst sitting on the sofa feeding my baby!

I got a sudden rush of panic after it,it wasnt dizziness more of a leaning or swaying to one side,very odd!I felt i was gonna pass out and was worried because i was holding the baby

Its so strange isnt it?
Hunny x

12-12-06, 00:11
This sounds so like me. I get this.

My head gets really tight and then I start to panic wondering if I am going to faint or something bad is going to happen to me.


12-12-06, 08:28
I get that to!!!!!!!!;):);)

Ellen XX

12-12-06, 08:45
I get that alot especially when I've just woken up or if I'm hot. It's scary especially when I'm out and it makes me panic.It can be totally out of the blue too I could just be sitting watching tv and it just happens. Try not to let it worry you or it will make you more anxious. Take Care.

Sarah x x

Stu M
12-12-06, 10:29

I get this a lot whilst im sitting down. A bit of a weird feeling, but ive got used to it now :D


12-12-06, 19:30
yes i get this too!i think it has something to do with your muscsles in your neck tensing and this restricts the blood flow to your ears!!!!!
our bodies are sooo complexed aren,t they!!!!!1
take care
rach x

12-12-06, 20:47
thanks for your replies-i have lightheadness, and a "weird" head most days..but this is a new one, now i know im not alone, just gotta put up with it i suppose!!

12-12-06, 20:51
yes unfortionatly we can't control it but i find if im feeling abit woozy popping in the garden for abit of fresh air helps me apart from that I don't know any other way to deal with it. x

13-12-06, 12:29
Hi, I get this alot! Sometimes its as if objects in the room are moving/jolting really quickly and I kind of shake myself to steady things.....very odd!
I do know a couple of times it happened I was struggling with my ears...neeeded them syringing as one was very blocked and was contributing to the odd wobbly feelings I was getting, but also know I sometimes get it when I am highly anxious/panicy.


18-12-06, 21:17
Sounds so like me.

Very frightening....

Great to know I'm not alone and going mad.

01-09-07, 05:27
Absolutely exactly what I get particularly just sitting down. All of a sudden out of the blue it feels as if I am swaying then for a split second I feel I am going to fall from the chair. I can be feeling fine relaxed etc not in the slightest bit apprehensive tense or worried then wooosh from nowhere this sudden rush of panic and feeling I will pass out. I then feel seperate from the surrounding environment like my head is under water often for hours afterwards.

03-09-07, 19:54
This is my main symptom too. For 3 yrs now . I am usually sat down when it happens . It feels like my head is weightless , my vision blurs for a few seconds and I cannot think at all for about 10 seconds, then I feel drained for hours afterwards . I feel as though i am going to fall off the chair .