View Full Version : Chronically Lightheaded for 8 Months??

30-05-14, 21:07
Hello..hoping someone can give me some hope here. About 8 months ago I had my first panic attack (I was at work), and ever since then, I have had the chronic lightheaded feeling EVERYDAY. Some days are better than others, like when I am hiking or doing something I enjoy, it doesn't seem to be as noticeable. About 1 year before my panic attack, I had suffered a couple losses but I handled them "fine". Normal grieving process. But it was very stresfull at the time. I am unhappy and don't feel fulfilled at my job, but a lot of people feel this way and aren't lightheaded everyday. Can depression cause this feeling?

Anyways..I have every test you can imagine and everything shows I am perfectly healthy. And for a while now, I actually believe it and don't worry about some serious health problem. Instead, what I do worry about, is the fact that I'm not stressed and I do just let it be and go on with my life...but it is still there! Oh..I am also on 100mg of Zoloft now (which I'd prefer to not be on any meds, but at the time of my panic, I couldn't get it under control...but now the panic is completely gone). I read things online that people have this for many years, sometimes decades. Will that be me??? Or has anyone had this for 8 months or more and it eventually went away?? I have already decided to leave my job and move closer to my family because I tend to be happier there. I have a wonderful fiance who has been supportive through everything and is willing to move as well. But part of me still wonders, what if I dont get better?? Please someone let me know that this happens often and once you get where you want to be in life, the lightheadedness will slowly go away.

Thank you

30-05-14, 21:38
This is a current thread just posted:


30-05-14, 21:58
Krstn I have been lightheaded and dizzy for two years on and off ,but because I understand it now its got better I have learnt to cope with it ,you can get better love just believe xx

30-05-14, 22:15
Does it completely go away then? or is it something that will be there on and off for the rest of my life?

31-05-14, 11:35
Does it completely go away then? or is it something that will be there on and off for the rest of my life?

Love I cant say if it will go away completey because everyone is different I can only speak for me all I can say is when my anxiety fells better so does my dizzy head lets hope that one day we can all be free of it ,the only advice I can give you is stop thinking about it all the time and I no its hard but believe me it will help you xxxx