View Full Version : Sciatica or Blood Clot, so sick!

30-05-14, 22:39
Sorry for posting again about blood clots, but I am terrified. I basically have this intermittent pain that can be anywhere from my bum, my thigh, my calf and my heel. It is an ache but now and again the pain in my calf will be more of a sharpish pain. I had a similar set of symptoms back in December and actually went to the walk in centre where he basically said you do not have a blood clot and have mild sciatica (he looked at and felt my leg).
However, my GP said it wouldn't have been Sciatica, but it went after a few days anyway (about 8 in total) and I forgot about it. Around 10 days ago though, it come back. I am adamant it is sciatica due to the ache in my bum, heel and thigh, as sometimes when I am in bed I get this strange back pain, but part of me is thinking of a blood clot.
Would blood clot pain come and go or would it be constant? There is no redness, warmth or swelling, although my skinny jeans certainly feel tighter on one leg. I have even tried measuring my calves and th biggest difference ive had is 1cm (which probably isnt accurate anyway as its hard to get the same place on both legs.
I am going back to the doctors on the 9th of June to restart medication, so of course will mention this then, but in the mean time all I can think of is 'what if this is a clot'.

30-05-14, 22:48
This sounds like classic sciatica to me, I've had exactly this for a couple of years - in fact I've got it right now!

Blood clot symptoms would be more static in terms of their position, and you'd usually expect swelling and/or localised heat too. If you've had any blood tests a clot would have showed up on those, blood tests are excellent at picking up clots.

This is something you really should trust your doctor on, whilst GPs aren't generally great at diagnosing mechanical issues like sciatica they see blood clots a lot and can spot them easily.

30-05-14, 22:53
Thank you for your reply. I haven't had any blood tests, so although I think a blood clot is unlikely I have no actual reassurance. Does your sciatica ever happen on your upper calf, just below the back of your knee?
I do sincerely trust my doctor, but the doctor at the walk-in centre was a one off, by which I mean I had never seen him before and will probably never see him again. However he did actually look at my leg and I even told him about my leg pulse being super strong which he said was normal.

30-05-14, 23:09
Yes it's anywhere from the outside of my arse-cheek right down to my heel. Sometimes everywhere or anywhere along that line.

Also remember that whilst the static nerve is the most common nerve to be caught in the lower back others can equally be affected, according to my physio. If so you might not have exact symptoms of positive signs of sciatica but a very similar process is going on. With me other nerves are involved as it also travels into the front of my knee.

30-05-14, 23:17
Thank you Serenity, I feel a little better now. It helps that my pain isn't always in the same place. Haha that's where I feel mine too. Thanks for letting me know about other nerves being affected as I'm sure I felt front calf pain earlier too. My toes are achey at the moment also.
Just wish I had solid proof I never had one, but I know that if the NHS gave everybody tests even if they didn't suspect a blood clot, they'd be skint and short for time.
Thank you again

30-05-14, 23:26
Sciatica is very difficult to diagnose irrefutably (70% will give a false positive, 10% will give a false negative), but blood clots can be ruled out very easily using a blood test.

One thing I've found amazing is joining Benenden Healthcare. It's a charity that predates the NHS, it only costs around £8 a month and if waiting times for any treatments or tests are longer than six weeks on the NHS they'll fund it privately. You also have access to GPs and councillors via telephone 24/7. :)

30-05-14, 23:30
Thank you very much for taking time to reply to me :-)
If my ESA gets approved I may just look into that Benenden.
Sorry to go on and on, but do you think that even if they had the slightest suspicion of a blood clot they'd have done a test? My main concern is that I did mention I suffer from anxiety, although it was new years eve and the receptionist even said I must be serious to have travelled all the way there on that day. Not only that but I was symptom free for over 4 months, a blood clot wouldnt simply hide itself for that long and then return. I hope not at least :-)

30-05-14, 23:37
Well my only experience is with something else. I had symptoms that could have been caused by a clot elsewhere in my body, the doctor at the walk-in centre said it was plain enough to him that it wasn't that but because of my symptoms I had to go straight to the hospital for tests. They took it all very seriously, I didn't have one.

I'm not a doctor, but my experience is that if they think there's the vaguest possibility of what you fear they'll insist on checking very quickly.

30-05-14, 23:45
Thank you very much for your help :-)