View Full Version : A new bleak low

31-05-14, 02:44
Hey well as most of you know iv been very quiet on here lately, been more of an observer rather then posting thread after thread (sertaline must be working on some level) so here's my new problem.... I have lately been having bad depressive mood swings again. Doctor upped my dosage to 100mg but been to scared to take them incase I have unpleasant side effects an been taking the rest of my 50mg. I feel really depressed, irritable an anxious again :-( ... Before I actually quit my job as I have hated it for a long time but I felt so bleak in work it gave me that push to just tell the manager I'm off an quit ! Don't know what I'm going to do now ... To be honest my mind is telling me I'm going to die soon anyway. Sure I have cervical cancer still (yes I have genuine concerns aswell not random fear ) and what's really bugging me today keep getting really sharp upper back pains that last for a few seconds then fade away like really high upper back iv never had such pains I'm so freaked out sure I'm going to die tonight of some heart attack/lung embolism/something else really bad ... Not sure what in looking for guys. Maybe some wise words

31-05-14, 03:32
Hi Sarah, you are not going to die. You are ruminating on negative thoughts which you have to break. Is there anyone you can call? A friend or family member? What about playing a game or go in a chat room. You could see a doc to curb your worries, but you probably have pain because you're so tense. You will be okay!!! :hugs:

31-05-14, 03:35
I get sharp pains in my muscles from tension and muscle spasms a lot, especially in my upper back area. Is it possible that's what is happening to you?

31-05-14, 17:47
Hello both thank you for replies x went to my sisters after my job quitting extravaganza ' maybe it was tension it happened first very early In day whilst I was feeling reasonably relaxed ... I don't know just tried to have an ok day today with my sister and the kids. X

31-05-14, 19:03
That sounds like a great idea....hope that cheers you up!! :D