View Full Version : I was given a RANDOM pill - Help??

31-05-14, 03:08
I was waiting for my train tonight coming home from my cousin's house (we live a city across from each other) and this guy approached me on the platform and asked if I had any marijuana on me, I politely and respectfully said no sir, I'm sorry, wish I could help you out. He then slipped me this random, oval and white pill with the inscription IP465 on it. He was showing me his PRISON RELEASE papers that CLEARLY stated he was convicted of RAPE. I don't know WHY he felt that as necessary to do, but......
Then, he tried coaching me onto the back cart of the train with NOBODY on it when it came but I hopped onto the populated front cart at the last minute to avoid him. When it was my stop, I got off and criss-crossed my way all over the platform to lose him, and it worked thankfully. I'm home now and I think I'm safe.

I'm just wondering if you can somehow catch anything or receive a high/symptoms of a high just by TOUCHING the pill...like what if it was laced? I have it on my computer desk just sitting there. I am NOT into that kind of stuff. I don't even smoke CIGARETTES. This is a legitimate post. I'm genuinely concerned.
I can't quite get myself to calm down, either. I feel anxious and "off" ever since. Is this just because it was an anxious situation overall? Suggestions/advice, please? Ugh...

31-05-14, 03:19
You absolutely cannot receive any effects from holding a pill. You are totally ok.

31-05-14, 03:22
What an awful experience! I think you need to ask yourself. Can I be affected by opening a door?.. or handling coins?... or drinking from a water fountain? I understand your reaction to this incident but I don't feel you have to be concerned as what he handed you was ibuprofen.

Positive thoughts

31-05-14, 03:27
Oh, okay. Thanks, guys! I was freaking out over here! I was already having a rough day and here comes THIS guy, ya'know? Haha!

Yeah, it's an ibuprofen 600MG. I'm just gonna' throw it away in my trash bucket. Thank you so much again, all! Be well!

31-05-14, 03:29
Wow, what a weird experience. That would have freaked me out too, but you aren't in any danger! Glad you got home alright.

31-05-14, 03:38
Thanks, swgrl! I know! I've NEVER before in my life experienced something like that. First time for everything, I suppose...

31-05-14, 03:43
That's so weird that he gave you ibuprofen. So glad you are home safe, as I would've been terrified too.

31-05-14, 03:46
My anxiety is through the roof over this thing. Shaky, racing thoughts, racing ehart beat, heart palpitations, and that overall physically uneasy feeling >.<

31-05-14, 03:49
I think that's a normal reaction to what happened, honestly! It will pass. Try to remind yourself that you are home, safe and sound. Maybe turn on the TV for a distraction and watch something funny?

31-05-14, 03:52
Yeah, probably. I have generalized anxiety REALLY bad so I'm always anxious, basically. I've just learned to cope with it over the years and incorporate it into my "average" daily life.

I keep thinking back to when I shook his hand when he first approached me (more like I dapped him up..) and now my concern is what if I caught something from THAT? >:/

31-05-14, 04:03
No darling...you haven't contracted anything. You are just fine. You're safely home. Try and distract yourself with something else....get your mind off of it.

31-05-14, 04:05
Bleh...I will. I'm sorry. I feel like I've wasted everyone's time here with something silly.

31-05-14, 04:10
Don't be sorry for something you can't help! Where do you live, taking trains? NYC? Chicago?

31-05-14, 04:57
The Boston area! I've always been skeptical about the public transportation out here even though I grew up around it my whole life. I'm only 20 years YOUNG haha!

31-05-14, 05:14
I lived in NYC for three years, man there were some odd folks. Love Boston too.
How you feeling?

31-05-14, 05:15
Yeah, it's an alright place to visit and take in the sights, for sure.

I'm feeling a bit better. I just need to stop shaking and then I can get into bed!

02-06-14, 02:43
Hope you are doing better today! I'm in CT, so love both NYC and Boston ... NYC sports fan though!!!