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31-05-14, 13:26
Hi everyone, I have been reading lots of your posts over the last few days and I can relate to so much of what's been written so I've plucked up the courage to register.

I am a married mum of two; I live in the UK with my husband and two children (young adults), both of whom are disabled.

Around 5 years ago, I started to suffer really badly with anxiety, it was a hellish time and my GP put me on medication and the anxiety passed and I could function again. Since then, bizarrely around the same time every year (June); the panic and anxiety begins again. It's so debilitating that I struggle to function every day. I shake constantly, cry constantly, struggle to leave the house, to hold a conversation with anyone, to be in anyone's company - I am sure you can all relate to the symptoms. Each time I have gone to my GP and my meds have either been changed or adjusted.

About 5 weeks ago, my son was admitted to hospital because of his epilepsy and it triggered the panic again. I am not sure why the panic was triggered this time but it did and I have been back and forth to my GP every week since then; I have been in tears at each appointment, desperate for help.

I am currently on Duloxetine (2 x 60mg daily) which was prescribed 4 years ago for depression and Chlordiazepoxide (3 x 10mg daily) for anxiety. Four weeks ago, my GP changed the Chlordiazepoxide to Buspirone as I'd been on this before with good result. She told me I could take up to 3 of my 5mg Chlordiazepoxide along with the Buspirone but no more than that. I took one 5mg every other day in the desperate hope that the Buspirone would work quicker. That week was utter hell; I dragged myself through the week, my husband had to take time off work, I was a mess. I went back and saw another GP who told me that the Buspirone wasn't working so I had to stop taking it and revert back to the Chlordiazepoxide.

I went back to see my GP again on Wednesday; again in tears and I told her I was struggling to go on and that the anxiety was plaguing my life. I feel so hopeless and that I am useless to my family. She didn't change my meds; instead she referred me to the Community Mental Health Team as she feels I need help with the anxiety as opposed to medication. Someone from the CMHT called me a few days ago and said I would be assigned a Community Psychiatric Nurse but it can take up to two weeks for someone to be assigned; if I feel worse in the meantime, I've to call them. She said the CPN can work with me on CBT and he/she can advise my GP on the medication needed (if any).

So I am no further forward. I have a good circle of friends but I cannot face seeing them at present as I can't muster up any enthusiasm to have a conversation. Yesterday, I dropped my daughter at school and went for a walk; my legs felt like jelly but I did it. Today, I have woken up with that feeling of dread in me and I keep telling myself that I need to make an effort but I am so tired.

I feel as though I am no good to anyone and that death would be more preferable than feeling like this all of the time though I would never leave my children so would never contemplate suicide. It's just this feeling of being in a hole and desperately wanting to get out of it and feel human again.

Sorry for writing such a long introductory post. Thanks for reading. x

31-05-14, 14:13
Hello, I feel what you are going through. I hope you'll be able find the best medicine to help you through this ordeal. Do not lose hope. Best regards.

31-05-14, 14:46
Hi. I'm sure you'll be glad you joined.

There's plenty of advice and support here.

You're not alone.

All the best.

31-05-14, 16:52
Dear ForeverTrying....it sounds like you've had to be so strong for so long and now it's truly wearing on you. I can only imagine what you're going through taking care of two disabled children, and though I'm sure you love them with every fiber of your being...it still must be exhausting physically, mentally and emotionally. No wonder you have some breakdowns! !

You have gotten through this before, you will do it again. I'm sure once you get balanced on your meds (which remember, takes TIME) and start talking to a professional about your stressors, you'll start feeling better.

You are not alone...as you can see, most of us do really well for a while, and then have a fall here and there, but get back up. You're going to get through this, and I think you've taken the appropriate steps to put your healing into action!! I haven't worked for two weeks because I had my first fall in 5 years, and I'm being totally selfish right now...and I deserve it, because most of the time I'm helping and taking care of others. It's like my body's way of saying, "okay Beth, you need to cool it. You can't carry the world on your shoulders. You're not God."

Hang in there friend...we're here for you. ♥

01-06-14, 11:34
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I have ordered the book 'Self Help for your nerves' by Claire Weekes, after reading about it on here. I am not feeling any better today; every day seems an effort to get through and I am filled with dread. I am really hoping that I can get to see the CPN quickly and get out of this hole that I am in. I feel like I am standing in quick sand and there is no way out. Thanks again. xx

05-06-14, 00:08
Hello, I totally feel what you are going through.. its so hard to explain anxiety to family and friends that don't have it. My mom has been helping me through this as my husband works alot and she has been reading up on anxiety and told me man that is a terrible disease . I to don't want to leave the house or go to stores alone of which I use to love.. I'm scared to be alone.. I to feel I'm starting to be useless to my family. But I refuse to let this illness get the best of me... and u should to... theres so much more to life then anxiety.. and trust me I know.. easier said then done but like u said just push yourself.. theses last 3 mos have been terrible for me never has my anxiety been this bad. There have been days I don't want to get out of bed but I have to take my oldest to school.. I'm a stay at home mom which I use to love but now it gives me to much time to think of all my symptoms.. but I refuse to take meds.. I been seeing a therapist and am hoping he can help. This anxiety thing is terrible and I truly wish it would just go away.. just know I feel for you and never let the anxiety win by hurting yourself.. as u said your kids need you.. I wish u all the luck in controlling your anxiety.. if u ever wanna talk im here ��

06-06-14, 11:42
Thank you forevernervous for your lovely reply. I really appreciate everything you have said.

The last few days have been quite bad for me but I know I have to keep going for the sake of my kids. I know that this latest anxiety was triggered by my son having a cluster of seizures and ending up in hospital, it sent me into a complete panic. I now feel I can't relax because I am constantly waiting on it happening again. I keep reminding myself that in the 9 years since he was diagnosed with Epilepsy (he also has Autism), he has only been hospitalised twice when he's had a lot of seizures and this was due to infection both times. But every time he has a seizure now, I keep waiting on another one coming.

I will keep going though; I have a great husband who is very supportive and I have come to realise that the anxiety isn't going to go away overnight but it will go away. I hope you are feeling better today. xx