View Full Version : Can't stop worrying despite being reassured

31-05-14, 15:01
Hi all.

Despite being checked twice by two different Doctors I can't stop worrying. I've had a pain in my testicle for about 2 years now. I went to a Doctor who sent me for an ultrasound, I had the ultrasound but never got any results back for it.

The pain did go away, it sometimes came back but then it would go away. However, recently I can't stop worrying about it and I went to A&E twice in a panic to get checked. Both times I was told everything felt fine and was asked to give a urine sample. My urine sample results came back and I was told they were fine.

But despite being reassured I just can't stop freaking out and worrying. I was okay for a few days after being reassured but now the panic attacks are coming back.

I have no idea what to do. My surgery would get me an appointment next week, but I'm going away next week so that won't help. I want an ultrasound but how long would I have to wait for one? If I went to A&E again and asked for an ultrasound on the spot do you think I would get one?

Sorry for rambling, I'm just so upset and want all this panicking to stop!

31-05-14, 15:15
Hi all.

Despite being checked twice by two different Doctors I can't stop worrying. I've had a pain in my testicle for about 2 years now. I went to a Doctor who sent me for an ultrasound, I had the ultrasound but never got any results back for it.

The pain did go away, it sometimes came back but then it would go away. However, recently I can't stop worrying about it and I went to A&E twice in a panic to get checked. Both times I was told everything felt fine and was asked to give a urine sample. My urine sample results came back and I was told they were fine.

But despite being reassured I just can't stop freaking out and worrying. I was okay for a few days after being reassured but now the panic attacks are coming back.

I have no idea what to do. My surgery would get me an appointment next week, but I'm going away next week so that won't help. I want an ultrasound but how long would I have to wait for one? If I went to A&E again and asked for an ultrasound on the spot do you think I would get one?

Sorry for rambling, I'm just so upset and want all this panicking to stop!

Sorry you're struggling :( How could you not get results from the ultrasound? That doesn't make any sense. Couldn't you just call you doctor to get them, take that result along with the others saying nothing sinister is going on?

Positive thoughts

31-05-14, 15:22
Did they give you any idea what might be causing the pain? I'm not a guy, so I have limited knowledge on the subject, but aren't there muscles/tendons in that area? Maybe they are causing your intermittent pain?

31-05-14, 15:37
Sorry you're struggling :( How could you not get results from the ultrasound? That doesn't make any sense. Couldn't you just call you doctor to get them, take that result along with the others saying nothing sinister is going on?

Positive thoughts
I was told I would get the results but they never came. Since then I've moved to College and changed GP so I don't know if I could even still get the results, two years later. :shrug:

---------- Post added at 15:37 ---------- Previous post was at 15:35 ----------

Did they give you any idea what might be causing the pain? I'm not a guy, so I have limited knowledge on the subject, but aren't there muscles/tendons in that area? Maybe they are causing your intermittent pain?
The first Doctor said that maybe my testicles are just tender. I was wearing boxers that were a bit small, I've bought new ones which are bigger.

It could be a muscle, the pain comes and goes, does that sound like a muscle pull?

31-05-14, 18:35

My husband gets this, and has had it for as long as I can remember.

I used to worry like mad, unlike him who never worries about his health.

He doesn't worry because he said it comes and goes and he can't feel any lumps etc. He did go to the doctors for some back pain a few years back and because they weren't sure what was causing it they did a thorough check and he mentioned it then, the doctor examined him and said all was normal.

Since then hasn't been back, he said his seems to come on if he's driving long distances, so he relates it to something muscular or sitting in a cramped position too long.

Just thought I'd let you know that he gets it too so maybe it is something that some men just suffer with :shrug:

31-05-14, 20:12
Hi Munchlet thanks for the reply. That has reassured me and calmed me down a bit. I do spend a lot of time sitting down and I'm often cramped into my seat, so maybe it is something muscular.

I'm going to phone the surgery on Monday to try and get an appointment to get checked over this week.

05-06-14, 14:53
So on Sunday night I had a complete breakdown I had a massive panic attack and ending up wondering about outside at 2am looking for a taxi to take me to A&E. I did manage to get a taxi and I was checked over by a nurse, this is the third person to check me in the last 3 weeks. She said that everything felt normal and after speaking to me she said I'm most likely suffering from Health Anxiety.

Since Sunday I've been doing good, no real panic attacks and the pain in my testicles has gone. But today while walking back from the shops the pain came back, I immediately panicked. I checked myself when I came home and everything to me feels normal. But my left testicle appeared to be moving around by itself. I've never seen this before and now I can't stop thinking about it.

I've got myself into a mess again and I'm trying my best not to run off to A&E for the fourth time in three weeks.

---------- Post added at 14:53 ---------- Previous post was at 14:52 ----------

Oh yeah and my surgery messed up and never registered me so I can't make an appointment there for another week. :mad:

05-06-14, 15:09
...my left testicle appeared to be moving around by itself. I've never seen this before and now I can't stop thinking about it.

The "boyz" tend to move around, up and down and even hide inside depending on your body and external stimuli like temperature among other things. So unless it's been possessed by a spirit, it's perfectly normal.

Positive thoughts

05-06-14, 15:19
Thanks for the response. I'm trying to stay positive but I stupidly read some stories about cancer and now I can't stop worrying about it. I said this to the nurse and she said there would be more signs than just a pain.

Really considering just getting my testicles removed.

05-06-14, 15:32
Really considering just getting my testicles removed.

Not much work nowadays for eunuchs... just sayin' ;)

Positive thoughts

05-06-14, 15:48
Thanks for the response. I'm trying to stay positive but I stupidly read some stories about cancer and now I can't stop worrying about it. I said this to the nurse and she said there would be more signs than just a pain.

Really considering just getting my testicles removed.

I really don't think you should be even contemplating anything so drastic - not that any medical professional would be willing to do this when your testicles are perfectly healthy. I believe Testicular cancer is one of the easiest Cancers to diagnose & this along with the fact you have been examined by several different people the chances that they have missed something is extremely remote.

05-06-14, 16:09

Sorry you are feeling so bad. I just wanted to say that my hubbie has had this for at least as long as I've known him (16 years). It comes and goes, he's been checked and everything is fine.
You are too.xx

05-06-14, 16:26

Sorry you are feeling so bad. I just wanted to say that my hubbie has had this for at least as long as I've known him (16 years). It comes and goes, he's been checked and everything is fine.
You are too.xx

Thanks for the response, I hope you don't mind me asking but does your husbands pain come and go? Mine will come for a few hours then go away.

I really don't think you should be even contemplating anything so drastic - not that any medical professional would be willing to do this when your testicles are perfectly healthy. I believe Testicular cancer is one of the easiest Cancers to diagnose & this along with the fact you have been examined by several different people the chances that they have missed something is extremely remote.

I know, but I'm just panicking really badly at times and start thinking of drastic measures.

05-06-14, 16:29
Dorans try not to worry. My HA is very specific and testicular pain is not something I get worried about, which is lucky because testicular discomfort is very common. It is also almost always non-specific, as far as I know. In other words, almost every man gets it and no-one really knows why.

I am 35 and have had several periods where it ached down there, like a constant dull ache, for months at a time. One time one of them refused to come down and ached a lot and then I did see a doctor. After having a good old feel he explained that it was just undescended and it can happen from time to time.

I think the plumbing inside is really complicated, full of pipes and tubes and lots of nerves and stuff - I'm not a Doctor, can you tell?). I asked my doc at the time about general aches in that area and he said it is VERY sensitive and prone to muscle pulls, tendon pain and nerve tingles.


05-06-14, 16:31
Dorans try not to worry. My HA is very specific and testicular pain is not something I get worried about, which is lucky because testicular discomfort is very common. It is also almost always non-specific, as far as I know. In other words, almost every man gets it and no-one really knows why.

I am 35 and have had several periods where it ached down there, like a constant dull ache, for months at a time. One time one of them refused to come down and ached a lot and then I did see a doctor. After having a good old feel he explained that it was just undescended and it can happen from time to time.

I think the plumbing inside is really complicated, full of pipes and tubes and lots of nerves and stuff - I'm not a Doctor, can you tell?). I asked my doc at the time about general aches in that area and he said it is VERY sensitive and prone to muscle pulls, tendon pain and nerve tingles.


Thanks for the response. It sounds your pain is similar to mine, I would describe it as a constant dull ache. I'm surprised that other people are having the same pain as me. It's really reassuring.

05-06-14, 16:35
I had my bits felt by GP many times, sometimes because I self exam too much I get the odd twinge them, yes like Taucher as others have said there is a lot of tubing, junk , muscle within the testicles, scrotum area
I think if it was serious you would know by now.

06-06-14, 09:29
Yep his pain comes and goes too.xxx

06-06-14, 12:26
And don't poke them! My husband had a bit of anxiety about his bits a couple of years ago and he poked them so much they got sore.

24-06-14, 01:24
Hi all. So I finally got the results for my ultrasound from a few years ago, turns out the lab never sent them to the surgery! :doh:

As it turns out my tubes can sometimes get a bit swollen because at times there is extra blood circulating around down there. This is probably why the pain comes and goes. He gave me a 7 week course of antibiotics to see if they help, so far I'm struggling to take them as I can't swallow pills at all.

24-06-14, 01:54
My husband has also had the same thing, lasted for months. Doc told him it's incredibly common. He also had an ultrasound which came back normal. Glad your results are ok too - try not to worry!