View Full Version : Painful lump/under arm

31-05-14, 21:32
I noticed a pain in my armpit area and thought It was arm pain but after having a feel around I felt a lump/Boil under my arm. I think it's connected to my skin so I'm thinking more of an under the skin boil it's right in the middle of the arm pit and is sore when pressed. I know I shouldn't of but i went to google because I didn't think id see anything serious but I was wrong! Silly me :(
I'm scared it's a abscess how would I know if it's a normal boil or of it's a ruptured abscess?! It's sore and makin my under arm ache.
Because it's under the skin I won't even know if it pops :(
It's not at all big just sore a little bigger then a pea, has anyone had the same thing?

01-06-14, 09:43
I am not really the expert on the subject of skin boils, but I would imagine you would really know if it was bad because the pain would be worse than just an average sore kind of pain, and you would get pretty sick pretty fast. I have not gotten that specific thing but I once took a bath and had all sorts of red dots appear all over my legs and other splotchy things on my hands, and convinced myself I had a rare autoimmune disease. I don't. They all went away and now I am on to something else drastic.

I hope it heals soon but in the meantime, trying not to focus on it is probably best. Bumps are very common and usually go away without incident after you stop noticing them.