View Full Version : Question for those with pollen/grass allergies

Worried 24/7
01-06-14, 01:07
So yesterday I was outside a TON mowing the yard, pulling weeds and took the kids to park. There are fluffy dandelions everywhere. Then this morning I woke up with a really sore throat which got better through the day. Then we spent all day outside at the zoo and then a friend's house. By the end ofthe day I noticed I can feel lots of different sizes of lymph nodes in the left side of my neck and my neck feels really sore. I know I have pollen and mold allergies. Is it possible that my sore throat and painful swollen nodes are from my allergies?? My nose is also congested.

01-06-14, 01:22
Is it possible that my sore throat and painful swollen nodes are from my allergies?? My nose is also congested.

Yes, affirmative, beyond a doubt, by all means, indubitably, of course, most assuredly, definitely etc. etc. etc. ;)

Positively and positive thoughts

Worried 24/7
01-06-14, 01:38
Lol, thanks sir. My allergies when I was younger just consisted of a runny nose or itchy eyes but it seems like this year they have been insane and its including swollen lymph nodes and pain and sore throats and such. I'm not used to this so it makes me worried

01-06-14, 01:42
I've been outside all day the last two days.... I have a sinus headache and my nose is stuffed... Par for the course.

Positive thoughts

Worried 24/7
01-06-14, 02:53
The swollen painful lymph nodes though? Cuz that's what I'm scared about

01-06-14, 13:19
I have whole nose and ear congestion, with pressure and ringing. I'm really hoping the hayfever is causing some of it!

01-06-14, 15:44
The swollen painful lymph nodes though? Cuz that's what I'm scared about

Based on what I've read in your history 24/7, I would venture to say you've poked and prodded yourself continually, digging deep into your neck (recalling the "are these bones" pic) to find something or anything that is a node and you're probably just really sore from doing that. A swollen node, especially in light of your build would be prominent and noticeable without even trying to look. Even at that, allergies and our body reacting to them can cause them to swell and that's what nodes do. They're your body's sewer system and are there to help rid yourself of "stuff".

Now... stop poking and prodding, take a Claritin and relax ;)

Positive thoughts

Worried 24/7
01-06-14, 16:59
I actually wa snt digging deep. They can be felt all over the left side of my neck just with light touch(not visible though) and my neck is sore. Today I had green mucus chunks from my sinuses that I hacked out that were blood tinged. Could this still be just a huge allergic response to all the pollen and such or should I be worried about a sinus infection?? It wasn't like there was a buildup to it and it all started after all that mowing and stuff

---------- Post added at 20:59 ---------- Previous post was at 20:57 ----------

I have whole nose and ear congestion, with pressure and ringing. I'm really hoping the hayfever is causing some of it!

My ears have been stuffy, crackling, ringing as well...

02-06-14, 01:06
I went to the Dr. for the same thing. I could feel them in my neck and thought they hurt. My Dr. felt nothing :/