View Full Version : panicking late at night

01-06-14, 02:08
Hey guys.. I got out the shower about 12ish and started watching a movie whilst I was sat on the sofa I saw my right foot was ever so slightly pufft looking than my left!
This has put me into panic mode and I don't know why it is like this.
I do take amlodopine, so I don't know if it because of that.
I am in bed now but I doubt I'll get a proper nights sleep now and I gotta wake up at 7.
My foot feels like just slightly tingly..but hardly noticeable.
Someone please re assure me this isn't to do with my heart so I can get to bed at least.

---------- Post added at 02:08 ---------- Previous post was at 01:55 ----------

It feels like the tingling has gone on to the other foot as well, and it feels like it's slowly going place up my leg :(
Is anyone awake?

01-06-14, 02:21
I'm in America. ...I'm awake! I'm sure it's just your anxiety....we can talk if you need to get your mind focused on something else?

01-06-14, 02:27
It probably is my anxiety but my right foot is slightly puffy than my left.. I don't think that's normal is it?

01-06-14, 02:31
I have had one foot puffier than the other. I'm sure it's absolutely nothing and your imagination is running wild. You could take a pic and share?

01-06-14, 02:36
It's only puffy slightly like you can't even notice it if you don't look at it properly.
My foot feels weird too, like a tingling sensation and it's really worrying me

01-06-14, 02:41
It's amazing what are minds can make us believe if we think it. For example, think about a white bear....I'm serious. Now for the next 20 seconds do everything in your power to NOT think of a white bear and see if you can do it.

You are totally fine ... your foot is fine. If you think it's swollen maybe put an ice pack on it to feel as though you're doing something to help the situation. But I'm sure it isn't necessary.

01-06-14, 02:44
I don't know I'm so close to calling the ambulance or something, I just lifted my leg up whilst in bed and I got a really sharp pain on the side of my leg...
Everyone's a sleep and I don't want to wake anyone up but I'm having a panic right now

I stretched my leg whilst lying down lifting it up and the pain was intense by the knee but on the side a bit. It could be completely unrelated but I'm so scared right now thinking I got a blood clot or something serious wrong with me

01-06-14, 03:02
Take slow, deep breaths. You can get through this. Why don't you call a friend....who cares if you wake them up? It will help.

01-06-14, 03:05
One side of your body is larger than the other. Usually the dominant side.

01-06-14, 03:08
None of my friends know I suffer from anxiety..
And I don't wanna wake up my mum and say my foot is tingling I think it's a blood clot she will just look at me as if I'm mad and tell me to go to sleep.
I'm calm now but I'm still just thinking about my foot no sleep for me tonight I guess.

Rose I agree with you but it's not bigger normal bigger it's puffy bigger. And tingling.

01-06-14, 03:10
Well it's nothing to be embarrassed about if that's your reason for not letting your friends know. It actually helped me when I started opening up about it, and came to found out some of them had it too.

Glad you're feeling a bit better now. :D

01-06-14, 03:19
Well 2 of them know.. but I've never spoken to them about it,and they only know because I had a panic attack when I was out with them.

I don't know what to do right now, do I try and force myself to go sleep, wake up my mum or just stay awake all night? Although I'm not panicking I'm so scared! Which is just as bad feeling

01-06-14, 03:23
Do whatever you think will be best for you. If you think your mom will make you feel better, than why not? Otherwise maybe just watch some tv until you get tired. Or play a game on the computer, read, clean your house, etc.

01-06-14, 03:27
I would but it's 3:30AM and I'm not at my own house.. I'm at my aunts

01-06-14, 03:32
Could you wake her up?

01-06-14, 03:41
I could but I don't want to because she's got to wake up at 7 and plus I know exactly what she will say and that's go back to sleep lol.

01-06-14, 03:46
Well hopefully you'll feel better soon...and though you may be a bit tired tomorrow, that won't hurt ya.

01-06-14, 03:48
I'll try and get some sleep some how..
Thank you for putting up with me I really appreciate it

01-06-14, 03:51
That's what were all here for....support each other. Take care!:hugs: