View Full Version : In a panic please talk me out of it!!!

01-06-14, 02:56
I was having a great day then all of a sudden i started to feel dazed, then got really hot, now it feels like my chest is burning, not the inside its like its my skin and i just feel that its hard to be kind of like my throat is to tight!!
Someone please talk to me :weep::scared15:

01-06-14, 03:05
Hi Eve....you are ok. Try and lay down, taking deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Nothing will happen. This will pass....you've been through enough to know.

Worried 24/7
01-06-14, 03:05
Is it hot where you are? It was insanely hot here today and I ended up feeling dreadful.

01-06-14, 03:08
Me too....I literally have an ice pack on my head right now to cool me down.

01-06-14, 03:47
Yes very hot, i cooked and that made it hotter i think i over heated myself, the kids were running wild also, loud noises is one of my triggers!!
I took a ativan to help calm me, it seems to be working!

:bighug1: thank you all

01-06-14, 03:49
In through your nose to a slow count of 4, hold for 2, out through your nose to a slow count of 6, hold for 2. Repeat. Peeps have a point. Extreme heat or humidity (especially humidity) could have triggered this. Sometimes it just takes a bit of overactivity or fast moves in humid heat to change our breathing. Harmless, hang onto that. I sure hope you can get in and get a beta blocker soon. It'll help your body to slow down to a better pace. Watch your belly as you breathe. Several slow deep breaths as above ... Have a snack and chill with a movie okay? Take your mind off it. If it comes back, do the deep breaths again for a bit. Then distract again. ... Luv ya, and you hang in there, my girl! This too will pass. xx
Marie :hugs:

01-06-14, 03:55
I just had a sharp pain go through my chest a a hush adrenaline rush, ugh please tell my this is normal for a panic ??
my muscles are really tensed also even my chest muscles!

---------- Post added at 21:55 ---------- Previous post was at 21:50 ----------

Marie Mommy:yahoo::bighug1: , thank you so much! I always look forward to your post, your always a huge help to me!
I got really hot today outside with the kids and in the pool and cleaning...
I really had a great day til about an hour ago, don't you just hate when anxiety is a fun snatcher ?!:whistles:

01-06-14, 04:08
Such a grinch the anxiety, hey? I'm sure the adrenalin pain is nothing serious. Your brain trying to get you to "flee" ... ugh. Tell it hey, it's okay, false alarm! No panic needed :) Hopefully it'll cool down there soon ... it's crazy here, it stays light til 10 and then 11 o'clock. By July it'll be midnight. :wacko: If only it did that in the winter, I'd be happy! ... How bout tomorrow you take some breaks from all the activity, okay? Enough cleaning for one weekend, lol! :winks:

01-06-14, 04:34
lol, it really is, well here in ky it stays light til about 8ish and winter about 6ish.
Tomm i just plan to go to church and just hang out with my family!!
Yay lazy day!! lol