View Full Version : venlaxafine & buproprion? (Effexor+Wellbutrin)

01-06-14, 03:37
Hello! I have been taking venlaxafine for 12 weeks now, and was started on buproprion as well by my gp, 4 days ago. Is anyone else on this combo? It's indicated for seasonal affective disorder, which is my problem.

Side effects so far as an add-on are minimal, and I have my fingers crossed for the motivation I've been missing! :yesyes:

It would be nice to know I'm not the only guinea pig on these meds together, lol! :roflmao:

Marie xx

01-06-14, 18:10
Anyone at all? :shrug:

01-06-14, 20:43
Hi Marie been on both but at separate times. Bupropion made me feel.i was being dragged along by the collar most of the day. Usef in uk on label only for smoking cessation. You never know though that you getting a hit at 3 main neurotransmitters


01-06-14, 21:06
Hi, Paul,
Thanks for your reply :D To tell the truth, I could do with a bit of being dragged along and off my arse atm, lol! The ven has helped so much, I no longer find myself getting sucked into painful or negative thoughts, or if I do, I find that left alone they disappear, unlike before the med. And yeah, I was pretty surprised about the add-on of the buproprion, but since I was complaining about residual lethargy and low motivation, I guess that's why the doc prescribed it instead of the mirtazapine I was asking for.

At only 75 mg for the venlaxafine, all I'm getting right now is more serotonin, (well, and now hopefully soon with the buproprion, some norepinephrine and dopamine too.) Although the dose I'm on for wellbutrin is the starter dose still also, at 150 mg. So I don't know if that's high enough for both these last? I know 75 isn't in the case of the ven.

Meanwhile, I have heard others say that anything higher than 150 of venlaxafine has been too activating, and they hated buproprion for that too. Especially if they have anxiety. I can see that :wacko: But then, as I say my biggest problem is depression (and lethargy). I am taking the meds first thing on rising in the mornings, and trying to get to bed earlier at night (and yep, the past couple of nights I've woken a number of times, even with zopiclone). I expected that though. We shall see how it goes, I guess. The doc's plan is to head the SAD off at the pass this time, and so as the days get shorter, he will be managing the doses more closely. I want to leave him plenty of room to go higher come January/February (ugh!), so I am happy to stay where I'm at for the rest of the summer, anyway.

Thanks again for chiming in, much appreciated! :winks:
Take care!