View Full Version : Heart Attack or Reflux/Indigestion

01-06-14, 17:40
I woke up this morning, had some french toast and a few hours later, bam! chest pain and tightness on the left side, indigestion, back and shoulder pain, under breast and under my left arm pain. Also a fast heart and shortness of breath. I don't want to go to the emergency room again for something else.

Does this sound like a heart attack or gerd issue?

I am on antibiotics (Levofloxicin) for a suspected uti, (bladder issues) so I can't really take antacids or aspirin with those, but this pain .. I would usually take something and let that be that but I don't know what to do. Is there anything I can take with antibiotics?

I am so sick of this extreme reflux and am currently about to try Nexium after my course of antiobiotics is through, as Omeprazole gave me more chest pain.

the pain over the last few months has gotten so much worse, with increasing heart and chest symptoms. I have already had three ecgs this year, and they were fine except for ectopic heart beats. :scared15:

01-06-14, 18:32
I don't think you would be posting up on a forum if you had really had a heart attack. Plus 3 normal ECGs....

It sounds like a combination of anxiety and indigestion to me?

01-06-14, 18:52
I read that the ECG is not the final word on heart function, and found out about all these other more elaborate tests. (stress test, 24 hour holter) Suddenly I convinced myself the ECGs had missed something crucial. Didn't help that I almost fainted while lying down a few months ago, have taken MDMA and engaged in binge drinking before. It doesn't help that I do not get that much exercise, either. I am concerned that this non-stop fight or flight mode is bad for my heart.

I guess I am more worried about an impending heart attack, like one that builds up over a day, or sends warning signs weeks or months in advance. My dad had chest pains alot before his heart attacks. Ever since he had two different types of cancer (urethral, and voice box) from the time I was fifteen, I just haven't been the same, not confident in my health and cannot seem to get a grip.

Does anyone around here have any experience with heart issues? How do you even know the difference?

To be honest, I am feeling pretty bummed/depressed today. I had a choice: go to a museum with my husband and friends even though I was feeling sick and anxious, or stay home and feel sick and anxious. Well, I chose the latter, and wish I didn't. I could use some sage words of encouragement or something.

01-06-14, 22:48
I get the indigestion chest pain heart attack thing. Daily. Might have a day free from it and I love those days! What I do notice is with a drink of wine the pain can go so this tells me yes, it's all anxiety combined with reflux. It's hard though. Those chest pains can really mimic heart related issues or at least you can convince yourself of that quite easily. Can't you take the indigestion tablets a couple of hours after the antibiotic? Distraction is the only way forward. Perhaps exercise, a gentle walk to get your heart working to show you all is ok?

01-06-14, 23:26
If you look at all these posts Heart anxiety and acid reflux go hand in hand when it comes to HA. I am the same, luckily Omeprazole worked so well for me and my biggest anxiety is what will happen when my prescription runs out next week :-(

I agree with Trueman, distraction is great with getting the mind fixed on something else. For me it's exercise, I bloody hate it but for that hour that I go to the gym my mind is completely clear of health thoughts (instead focusing on not falling off the tread mill, lol).

I think knowledge of certain things is the worst, like you knowing what happened when your dad had a heart attack, and a major symptom of anxiety is focusing on the worst possible outcome.

Hope you feel optimistic soon



01-06-14, 23:53
If acid from acid reflux or food from silent reflux starts encroaching into chest cavities and/or the lungs it can cause all manner of issues. Further if it irritates the vagus nerve it can very well simulate heart pain. Certainly if you know you have GERD you have far less cause to worry about chest pain, especially if you've also had your heart and lungs checks out by the doctor.

However I'm not medically trained, nor are the vast majority of those on here. If you're worried get it checked out by your GP. Though with heart stuff you really can trust you GP's judgement; any problematic blockages etc. can be head through a stethoscope and any abnormalities in he heartbeat should be obvious to a doctor. Further if you get plugged in for an ECG you'll know all is well. :)

03-06-14, 21:19
Hi guys, thanks for the responses. It means alot to me. I am going to assume this is anxiety, get on some meds for it and go to some specialists to rule out anything serious.

Trueman and Hellly, thanks for the advice. I was able to take a walk and distract myself some, and I realize this will take some time to fix. When I have wine, I often feel a bit more relaxed too :)

Serenity. Yes! I do know about the vagus nerve and how it can make you feel heart pains. I guess I was just not thinking logically at the time. Thanks for sharing!

My anxiety has been making many parts of my body react weirdly lately.

---------- Post added at 15:19 ---------- Previous post was at 15:17 ----------

Funny, that even after all this time I still struggle to accept it is anxiety behind everything.

06-06-14, 19:32
The chest pain is back again. Last night long after I had eaten anything, I was having all the heart-like pains again. This has been happening for months. I am scheduling a cardiologist appointment because I wake up in the morning with shortness of breath and all day long my abdomen/stomach hurt, and I am simply not certain this is acid reflux anymore. Antacids sometimes help, sometimes don't. I get other heart-like pains in my back, tingling between shoulders, arm pain, etc. I am really worried and nervous in the mean-time. Especially since I almost fainted while lying down in bed, once. Aren't chest pain/tightness/pressure, shortness of breath, sense of doom, anxiety, arm/shoulder pain and tingling, back and shoulder pain and tingling, all symptoms of heart problems?

I fear having a heart attack and dying suddenly. How likely is that to happen to a 29 year old with normal ekgs, ct scan, chest x ray and bloodwork?

11-06-14, 20:23
Ive been suffering the exact same symptoms and the hospital and doctors have told me its just acid reflux plus constipation ibs and anxiety im also unsure that its just this ibe actually called for ambulances to check me over as i get that scared when these symptoms attack i get lots of burning on my left side, shoulder arm and shoulder blade also left jaw ache if this is true and all down to anxiety then its really not nice at all hope your all feeling better and ok x

Mr Mannering
11-06-14, 20:51
when I suffer anxiety attacks it throws my digestive system right off. stomach pain in the left hand side that spreads around to the back. Omeprozole works for me but give me a dodgy stomach. The reflux/Gerd issue and trapped wind can cause imense amount of uncomfortable feelings everywhere above your wast and below your neck. Scary feelings too. I feel sometimes that my heart is weak and going to give out on me and thn I go and play football for 40- odd minutes and then afterwards start thinking that my heart is still not right yet during the game nothing at all..... Sometimes no amount of reading and pacification is enough.

11-06-14, 21:51
I fear having a heart attack and dying suddenly. How likely is that to happen to a 29 year old with normal ekgs, ct scan, chest x ray and bloodwork?

Highly unlikely. That and the fact you're not laid out in the ER and posting here ;) That's coming form someone who's had two heart attacks, bypass surgery and stents.

04-07-14, 03:16
Thanks guys. I appreciate the feedback. I am still having some heart issues, but the comments were very helpful. :>

04-07-14, 14:56
Im the opposite. I have a really bad ecg but good other test and cant allow my self to believe that its ok. Our minds work in crazy ways sometimes.