View Full Version : When does the brain go back to normal

01-06-14, 18:29
I haven't had a drink of alcohol for 6 months today ! It's an achievement I know but I still get the odd moment where I crave a drink it's like my body is yearning for it which sounds silly but it's how I feel , I can't help that. Since giving up my whole perception on life has changed , in a good way , I can now appreciate little things that I would usually take for granted but I'm not going to lie in a world that loves alcohol it's not easy. It's like I have an undying thirst and the only thing to quench that thirst is alcohol. I have noticed I've been a little funny in behaviour since giving up like doing or saying things that are usually out of character. I do have a self destructive side to me so how do I conquer this ? Is it true sobriety is a life time learning process ?

01-06-14, 18:43
Sounds like you need some understanding company alongside, besides just this forum, on your particular walk to wellness. Do you have a sponsor? Have you been attending AA or NA meetings? They are more likely to have the answers you are seeking, and some ideas on how to deal with your cravings and self destructive thoughts and behaviour. And it's important for you to make friends who don't drink, don't you think?

01-06-14, 18:45
I have the AA book but if I understand correctly you have to believe in some higher power and most AA members call that higher power 'God'. I don't believe in God. I'd be too scared to attend an AA meeting

01-06-14, 18:54
Actually, your higher power can be whatever you choose. Many people simply use the combined wisdom of the group. Good Orderly Direction, you know? ... A sponsor could be any guy who's got more sobriety than you and feels that the group has helped him to achieve that. You may find a wee little bit less of the defined idea of higher power as God or diety in NA. Also more young people. Either way, a sponsor can be your rock. You don't want to go back to where you were, I'm sure. I'd give it a whirl, what have you got to lose? :)

01-06-14, 19:05
I seem to have my good moments and my bad moments , that's normal of course. However , the bad moments where I get the urge to drink seems to be stronger than when I have my good moments. I've got a headache now because of this and I've already taken pain killers. I wish I could get my doctor to prescribe something like xanax as I hear it's supposed to relieve you pretty fast and that's half my problem I'm always tense. I used to use alcohol to relieve that and since giving up nothing will do to relax me

01-06-14, 20:16
Hey Dave,

Congratulations of 6 months alcohol free! I'm a very firm believer in the fact that anxiety and alcohol don't mix at all. You've defeated a dragon many here cannot or will not even try to tackle. For that you should be commended :)

I would like to make an observation and it's just an observation.... I've noticed that you'll often pose a question or ask advice and people freely give it. Almost every time it's great advice or suggestions yet you seem to counter it with a negative or just not respond. Why ask if you're not going to at least give it a try?

Positive thoughts

01-06-14, 20:47
I used to be a heavy drinker many moons ago, but it wasn't just about the Drink, it was about my Life, my unhappiness, my cry for help and direction. I just stopped one day, learnt to drive, got a Car, didn't want to Drink & Drive, so it helped me. But, I also changed things in my Life and I was able to because I could think straight; as well as walk straight.:) Maybe you need a new direction in Life, meet new people, different people? Have you any interests that you might want to pursue? Sport, Past-times, Travelling?
And I know I felt that Life was boring and everything was boring without the drink, but it is just not true. My Life is much better now than before; apart from the Anxieties and Panic Attacks.:ohmy:

01-06-14, 20:49
Hmmm nah I don't have any interests I'm pretty a boring laid back man lol