View Full Version : response

01-06-14, 19:49
Hi all,

In no way do I want to sound paranoid, needy, aggressive or anything. I am honestly just looking for a response to something that puzzles me. I don't often get much of , if any, response to my posts. Lots of posts stop at me:shrug:. Do I not make sense? Are my questions difficult to respond to or are they just plain boring ha?

01-06-14, 19:53
I've never seen a post from you. ..but I'm new so there's that ;)

01-06-14, 20:00
We all like to get a responds to our posts luc lets us know someone is listening, I'm sure your not boring and we all have something we need help with or can help with that's why we joined. I like to think we are all friends here looking out for one another.


01-06-14, 20:02
I am fairly new myself, and I just wanted to add that there are many posts to comment on, and I think some just happen to get lost in the shuffle sometimes. I am trying to comment on ones that say 0 responses today, actually. I think people want to respond and don't always have an answer, there is that too. My typical post gets maybe between 1-3 responses so far, so I don't think it is anything personal. :):)

01-06-14, 20:04
Hi bimmer and welcome. I don't post much but when I do i just wondered if I don't make sense. I have a lot of quirky Ha 'things' that maybe others don't share and therefore cannot respond. I'm fine with that, just curious.

01-06-14, 20:08
Hi, you are having a field day with responses on this one.
If I can just say; I wouldn't like to reply to some 'Threads', incase I may say the wrong thing if someone is feeling really desperate or I might not have an answer to that particular 'Thread'.
And, Yes, there are lots and lots going on here, but a time issue may be another reason. At certain times of the day, more people will be online; i.e. evenings for instance.
So, don't take it to heart.....:hugs:

Catherine S
01-06-14, 20:13
Hi luc, I see that you joined the forum in 2007, that's a long time...have you always felt this way about your thread responses? Or is it just lately?


01-06-14, 20:15
Luc! You completley make sense...I just read a previous post about you going on vacation and you aren't letting HA hold you back from a good time. That's awesome! Isn't it worth it once when you get there? I've been there...having to give myself pep talks to get places sometimes. :)

01-06-14, 20:30
Thank you all. I have been here for 10 years and am in a relatively ok place for the first time in 10 years. This forum is the only place where like minded people who understand!! or have at least experienced Ha can share, support and emphasise and for that I am more than grateful. It is also the place that I come for insight and knowledge. I just felt that sometimes when I added my two peneth I put a stop to that given thread. I am looking for ways forward stopping my plethora of avoidance techniques at present and any advice would be welcomed.

01-06-14, 20:35
I feel like this too luc. I was thinking I'm just as unpopular on here as in real life.

01-06-14, 20:38
Sorry I take ages typing and thanks again. ISB is it only 2007 I think i have been logging onto this for about 10 years. I have only posted recently as for about 3 years I was in my own little abyss brought on by chronic HA. It is only now that I feel ready to learn from and give something to the forum.

---------- Post added at 20:38 ---------- Previous post was at 20:36 ----------

Woop, woop I'm on two pages. Rose Eve I am sure you are not unpopular in real life:hugs:

01-06-14, 20:44
From: http://www.unstuck.com/how-we-procrastinate.html
1. Remind yourself that there’s always more to be done than can be done. Then ask yourself if you’re getting the right things done.*
2. Make a smart to-do list by including only the items that you’re avoiding, not the ones you know you’ll do anyway. Then set deadlines.*
3. Break the task down to lessen the sense of being overwhelmed. Once you start to enjoy a small accomplishment or two, you’re more likely to finish.
4. Eliminate temptation to do something else (if your Siren song is the computer, see "Tuning out digital distractions" below).*
5. Bargain with yourself. If you finish the business plan now, you can go to the movies later.*
6. Focus on the success you will achieve and the joy you will feel.
7. Come up with a consequence that will deter you from avoiding the task. If you don’t exercise two times a week, you have to give up talking on the phone with your friends.*
8. Ask someone to help you complete the task.*
9. Make your intentions public. This will add pressure, but for some of us, avoiding embarrassment is the mightiest motivator.

01-06-14, 20:52
Yeah, I usually feel the exact same way, luc. I wish I have some skills to offer, as it is, I am kind of up a creek with half a paddle, or whatever as regards to bad habits. hehe.

01-06-14, 20:54
Oh RoseEve,

Never say that. You helped me with a question that was driving me Mad!

The people that don't want to know you are not worth knowing in the first place.
(Sorry, just hijacked a bit of your thread for RoseEve, as she sounds so down.....)
I feel like this sometimes, always think people don't care, but they do! Even people with problems themselves, seem to be more caring, as they understand the Pain and Trauma.
Just wanted to say, "Thankyou, thankyou, for helping Me":hugs:

01-06-14, 21:14
Thanks Bimmer. I am a real doer (??) when it comes to everything but HA. I have put off change for far too long simply because it's very scary and its 'easier' to stick to my deeply embedded techniques. For example, I can get in the bath tonight the old way or I can do as most i.e. look,feel body whilst washing. Which is it to be? I know which is easiest in the short run!!

I hope I have not killed another post ha.

ps thanks Elliot

---------- Post added at 21:14 ---------- Previous post was at 21:10 ----------

Ooh and Carnation.

01-06-14, 21:19
A lot of posts get burried under other posts, especially in Health Anxiety forum section, which sees 70-80% of forum traffic, also, the shorter your original post is, the more views/answers it will get. Also, from my own observation, if you personalize your forum account (a signature, avatar and such), people tend to reply more - it's not a rule, just a personal general observation. Probably because they feel like they can imagine the person behind the screen easier, and not an impersonal bot. :)

01-06-14, 21:24
Hi Luc

Its not just Anxiety that's scary, Life is scary too. And its maybe what we do or experience in Life that could lead to the Anxieties? I've had a terrible year, but if I think hard, I've had a terrible 10 years. No, actually, according to my Therapist; it stems back to my childhood. But, now, I am trying to be Strong, Sensible, a little selfish and very, very determined to get my Life back in to a livable condition. Its not easy, but you can try or you can give in. And this Site and the people on it are helping me and I hope I am helping some of those. You can achieve much more together, than alone. :yesyes::yesyes::yesyes::yesyes::yesyes::yesyes::y esyes::yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

01-06-14, 22:40
I am an in and out on the site Luc so it's always a brief visit. However, will look at for you more. And I'm new to site so don't recognise every username yet! But I did recognise yours :) Great honest post btw. :hugs:

02-06-14, 00:14
Thanks carnation :)

02-06-14, 08:12
Thanks all. I'm definitely honest Trueman- sometimes too honest ha. I'm also a very curious being that does not work well with the abstract. This is what I have to work on ! Because I'm somewhere on the 'recovery road' I am in the position now to question everything whereas in the past I was either in blind panic or numbed by drink so I see this as a real positive. So that is why I post my sometimes random questions, as here, with those who understand is where I may get answers:hugs:

02-06-14, 15:40
Hi Luc,

Funnily enough i saw your post when I was away in Cyprus last week and had intended to reply when i got back today. However seeing as this thread is further up, I will reply here.

I completely understand where you are at, in the sense that you have started to acknowledge that at the heart of the problem is anxiety, you have taken the edge of it successfully and want to now push through to feeling normal again. I hope i have interpreted that correctly, and if so that is largely where i have been for some time.

I can also understand where 'random questions' might come from, and i have found myself asking many of the same as i try to unpick why i have anxiety and figure out strategies that will take me further than where i am now.

So back to the point. You ask about avoidance techniques. I had exactly the same thing, and what I did was use CBT to create a safe space to develop plans to tackly avoidance strategies in a safe way. So for example, I made a voice recording of the nightmare scenario and listened back to it. Then when I went home i started watching things, maybe just a few minutes at a time that previously would hav triggered anxious thoughts and that I would have avoided.

In my case, it was all a case of gradual build up and over time, it sort of feels like my brain got bored of these things and reclassified them as non threatening. The tall and the short of it, is whilst I am still not what I would say was 'back to normal', I have just enjoyed a week's hoilday, fully for he first time in about 7 years, and am looking forward to heading to Paris and the north of France in the summer. 'Looking forward' is also something that hasnt been a feature of my life in recent months.

Not sure if that helps,


02-06-14, 17:32
I want to cry Chris! I have just wrote a long response to you and it's gone:mad:

02-06-14, 17:33
This thread has had more responses than any other on this page...

02-06-14, 17:51
A synopsis (it was long ha)of it is :

Thank you and glad you had a great holiday.

I could have wrote most of it.

My two holidays last month ( Paris, Northen France and Belgium) were good whilst still carrying on my avoidance tecniques.

Would love my brain to get bored and reclassify my fears ( brilliantly put).

Going to try small steps as you said - Washing Is going out tomorrow morning with eyes open:wacko:

One persons wacko is another's reality. I watched a documentary called Bedlam where a woman thought she had but someone in a wheely bin! I was thinking but of course you haven't , you can see you haven't. Well if that was the case, would she be in a secure unit!

OCD is a f@@@er

Lucia :bighug1: