View Full Version : Sunday blues

01-06-14, 19:50
Does anyone else have problems with Sundays I find its any empty time before another week. I don't like going out in afternoon onwards because of the dread that Mondays coming and I have to get up and go to work starting the cycle all over again. I don't dislike my job but do hate Sundays before it.

01-06-14, 19:53
I work most Sundays but I understand what you mean. I always think another day to the rat race begins again lol I always say the zombies are at it again with there rushing

01-06-14, 19:57
I used to have that when I was at school. You want the day off to drag but the anticipation of Monday still loomed. I suppose you just have to keep as busy as you can, especially when the shops are shut and telly is naff.

01-06-14, 20:26
Im with you on that one Rennie Sundays meant school on monday arghhh I dont mind them now I work alot of sundays next sunday im working 12 hour shift boo hoo xx

01-06-14, 20:30
Yep good old Sunday blues lol.
Although I also work most Sundays (work in motor trade, sales) so if I'm working it doesn't seem as bad.

01-06-14, 23:44
Ugh, tell me about it. I get this like clockwork. I noticed last week I had it on Sunday even though Monday was a holiday. It's like our bodies/brains know it's Sunday anyway.

I usually don't go out Sunday nights, but my husband has said I should try to keep busy or schedule something to do so that I am not worrying about the week coming up.

02-06-14, 19:03
I know the feeling. I'm okish Sunday afternoon but once the evening comes around I sometimes find it's ruined by the dreading feeling of going back to work on Monday. It's like you spend all week wanting the weekend to come, then the weekend comes and goes so fast before you know it it's Monday morning again!