View Full Version : meeting the wrong people

01-06-14, 20:43
Why do I always make friends with the wrong type of people ?

01-06-14, 20:56
Hi Dave
Are you able to walk away from those people I know its easy for me to say as I am just as happy in my own company. Have you been mentally hurt by someone

01-06-14, 20:58
What's happened?

01-06-14, 21:00
Nothing has just happened. Was just thinking back over my life and I seem to meet people who are trouble , crazy or back stabbers. Hmmm

01-06-14, 21:02
Hi Dave,

Have you been meeting these people in PUBS??? If so, hate to say it, but that's why. Used to own a Pub, so I know a bit about it. :wacko:
P.S. ( Not condemning All people that go to Pubs!):)

01-06-14, 21:05
Oh right, Sometimes people do that because you're just yourself, or they cant figure you out.
Do you try and go with the in crowd or cliques?

01-06-14, 21:05
I don't go to pubs. The other day was waiting for my fiance to finish work out of nowhere this bloke approaches me and starts asking me if I am a rugby player because I am a big bloke , okkkk. Then a lady approached me a day after that asking me questions about God so before I know it we are having a debate.

01-06-14, 21:12
Don't think you realized it, but you just said a positive thing...


01-06-14, 21:14
Dude, join the queue it's a billion souls long. We all meet the wrong kind of people, though they may say that about us/.

01-06-14, 21:49

01-06-14, 23:40
You have a fiance, you so must have met somebody worthwhile!

01-06-14, 23:49
Meeting people and being friends with them are two different things. You said yourself you don't have emotional connections with people, so that means your relationships are all just on the surface. So you're not making meaningful connections. I don't have a ton of friends but the ones I have are so important. We know everything about each other and still genuinely like and respect each other. I'm just saying that if you keep your walls up and people at arms length than that's what you'll get in return.