View Full Version : 30 Year Veteran Nurse Says Nothing Is Wrong!

12-12-06, 06:30
I have been feeling like crap lately..I had positional vertigo for two days out of four..I stayed in bed for about four days until its like im having to learn to walk again ..I get so weak when im out of bed but today spent most of the day out of bed.I have so many health issues..I hear my pulse around the clock and with my sinus problems it makes it even worse at times like a booming.I have a low pulse rate of about 63 most of the time unless i get up to do somthing and not sure how fast it gets.When I get up my heart beats fast and starts missing beats.We had a nurse friend came over the other night to eat and as we were sitting there my pulse was so irractic that i thought I was going to die..I have never felt it that irractic and it scared me..I have had a lot of missed beats in my life but for the last few days they have been all of the time and that night it was horrible.I mentioned it to her several times and she said everyone has missed beats..Its normal..I told her they were really bad and she checked my pulse and said it was a good beat and yes she did feel one missed beat only because I looked at her.She said that she has spent enough time around me to know with her experience that im just concentrating too much on myself.She said hearing my pulse was nothing ..she said many people hear that.. she said that my sinus problems was what was causing me dizziness and if I used a hot water bottle on them everyday that it would make them drain and I wouldnt get dizzy.I have tried this and it helps somewhat..she also said that I had a perfect pulse rate and that she envied me because of my age to have that perfect pulse.She said that change in altitude with sinus issues is mostly the cause of my problem but says that I have a little depression problems that I need to get over and my symptoms will go away.Now when I get up in the morning I get dizzy and have to sit back down on the bed for a while and then get up.The dizziness seems to go away for the most part of the day.I never had this before but never lived at this altitude before.The doctors that checked me came to the same conclusion about nothing being wrong other than stress and everything would subside after I calmed down.I even called the doctors office to ask them if the sinus would cause the dizziness and the confirmed it..I have all these medical people saying the samething why do I feel so bad?Now I worry about going out and getting dizzy or too many missed heart beats..Today my mind felt so cloudy I couldnt hardley think,but actually I have found that too is a sinus symptom..and being sensitive to light as well..so I guess its all attributed to sinus but it still scares me..I dont know what to think.I don't want to be like this the rest of my life.I want to be my old self..Could they all be wrong and there be something serious wrong?The 30 year nurse told me if she even thought for one moment that there was anything serious wrong she would tell me to go to my doctor,but she said there are no symptoms that would make her think that there could possibly be anything wrong..at all..Should I believe them all or what should I do? If I had more test I wouldn't trust that either..I just want my life back..Please reassure me..that im not crazy and that one day ill get over whatever this is?????

13-12-06, 22:23
I know exactly what this is like and i really sympathise with you. I have had dizziness like this for a long time now and have been told it was my sinus's. Went to the doctor and asked for referrel to ENT. Thought it might be vertigo or menieres disease. I can't walk in a straight line sometimes and when i walk at all i feel like i've been on the ale. If im sitting still it is not too bad, although my ears play up terrible, buzzing and shutting off etc, when i move or walk it's horrible. I felt no one believed me and they thought it was in my head, literally. The ENT specialist gave me a hearing test and looked in my ears, throat and eyes etc, said there was nothing wrong with me, perhaps just my tubes blocked under my ears which they cannot do anything about, just do steam inhalations. I can't do that because it's worse with my head down/!! I have asked twice to see a neurologist and been ignored, i did ask three times for a neck xray which i was never referred for but the ENT specialist organised and it does turn out to be a curvature of the neck, so whether that is it i don't know. Anyway have been back to the docs to ask for referral again to neuro and this time they have. Just gotta wait months now for an appointment i suppose. Where do you put the hot water bottle? I've never been told to try that, worth a go i think.lol. Dizziness can also be caused by the anxiety though, but my anxiety starts after i go dizzy a lot of the time so i know how you feel. I have also had a lot of help and support by people and you don't believe it and still think there is seriously wrong with you, i do as well, hence why i've asked for referrals. Ectopics, missed beats, have been the bane of my life for 11 years but the past two years since i've had anxiety problems have been a nightmare with them. I get them everyday and lots and lots of them two, they still scare the hell out of me even though i try and tell myself it's ok, i just really hate the feel of them and you always expect something bad to happen, and it never does, apart from the fear. I know what you're going through, just like the rest of the people on this site, they will all offer you fantastic advice and reassurance as they have done for me. Love Angie. x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

13-12-06, 23:20
You take the hot water bottle and fill it with hot water,not scalding but as hot as you can take..then you lie down with your head propped up above your heart and then set it on top of your head or forhead wherever there is a sinus blockage.Let it get cold and do it again..Do this everyday..It seems to have worked for me..So far..I still worry about the missed beats..They have subsided somewhat for me but the terror of having them again and the terror of the vertigo haunts me every minute making me miserable..I wish I could just get someone to hypmotize me into believing i just didn't care anymore about it..I am working on it but it seems to be kind of a trial and error..