View Full Version : Panicking over chest pain!

01-06-14, 22:19
I've been overly anxious all weekend about everything, as well as my health..

Earlier on today I noticed a mild pain in the centre of my chest which felt worse when breathing in deeply and bending over, my chest is also tender/sore to touch..

Is this just muscle strain or something worse? Terrified to go to sleep tonight.. I'm worried its my heart or a blood clot in my lung. :scared15:

Please help!

01-06-14, 22:33
Being anxious in and of itself will cause the chest pain. I know, because I have that today as well. Muscle strain is far more likely than blood clot. Try to get some rest, otherwise read a book or take a bath or so something, anything, to distract yourself. If it is mild, that is at least better than it hurting like heck, right?

01-06-14, 22:45
Hey hun

I know it's the hardest thing to do but try to relax and distract yourself (candy crush always helps me lol)

Chest pain is horrendous at the time - I ended up in a&e this morning because of a suspected blood clot (just posted about it) but the pain has passed and I feel fine now!

Take a bath and have an early night. If it was heart pain it wouldn't be sore to the touch x

22-06-14, 16:01
Hi there Ecila92,
It's difficult to get your brain of the subject of heart attacks when you have pain in the and around the chest area. It's something that I have been going through for a while now. Look up costochondritis it sounds similar to the pain you may be having as I also suffer with this. I just have to remind myself! My pain is always worse after picking up items from the floor or hanging the washing up over chest height. The pain can come on a while after you have been using the muscles involved too. Hope you feel better soon x