View Full Version : high bp during anxiety???

02-06-14, 00:58
So, my usual bp is about 120 to 125 over 70. So I just got done with walking up the stairs and I just entered a panic attack. I took my bp and it was 167/100something. I took it again and once more and it was back to 125/70. Is this normal? Im only 22... :/ help???

Catherine S
02-06-14, 01:01
Yes its normal for your bp to increase with your heart rate, whether the reason is activity or panic, whatever makes your heart pump faster will usually increase your bp.

02-06-14, 01:27
Blood pressure, heart rate, respiration rate, body temperature, all fluctuate throughout the day and are very dependent on the situation/time/place you take them. Anxiety and panic are very well known to increase all of the above as part of the normal fight or flight response.

After a setback with anxiety a few weeks ago, and on a particularly bad day, I visited my doctor who found my BP to be 172/110. My heart rate in the chair was 156.

Last week I went to get checked out again to see how I was doing with the anxiety. 120/64 and my heart rate was 90.

The human body, especially when anxious, is capable of doing some pretty funky things. Your blood pressure rising as part of the normal fight or flight response is healthy. Self-monitoring vital signs is not good for you.

Hope you're feeling better now :)

02-06-14, 12:37
What you see in literature described as normal blood pressure is actually resting blood pressure, you took yours after climbing a flight of stairs so it is understandable that it was raised especially if you went into a panic afterwards. The good thing is that it reverted to a good reading shortly afterwards which would only be what to expect in someone who is young and healthy. Take care.

02-06-14, 15:21
Yes perfectly normal, take your BP when you have been totally calm for 20 mins, no talking and relaxed that's resting BP, climbing the stairs is going to raise it and being anxious about it which you were or you wouldn't have taken it!! raises it the most :)