View Full Version : Why do I feel so emotional

02-06-14, 08:06
Why do I feel so emotional today ? I am an emotional person normally but today for some unknown reason I just feel so emotional , I hate this. I feel like there is a tsunami inside of me but it's with emotions , mood and anger. I don't like being like this as for me it's like being a little child who is lost and is in desperate need of cuddles. Just in case you are wondering I had a good childhood. I usually block out or numb my emotions but sometimes they come out like this , oh boy , how do I numb them fast ? I don't care if it's bad I hate emotions I always have , always will.

02-06-14, 08:32
:hugs: (a virtual hug). Hope you feel better.

02-06-14, 13:10
Can't keep things bottled up forever my friend. An emotion is meant to be a transient message, that which colours experience. It was meant to be heard, listened too fully, and let go of. Unresolved and unexperienced emotion gets stored in the body causing havoc (nothing new agey about that. we get tense shoulders often enough, headaches, snappiness, etc). It's one of the root causes of anxiety, fear and tension.

There are many techniques to use to start to deal with this (if you wanted to of course). Psychotherapy was one, but it's rather crap. counselling is another. Both 'talk therapies' designed to deal with emotional baggage on the level of the mind/thought. But these kinds of issues can't really be solved on the level of thought because thinking usually contributes to the problem and it can't always get to the causes of things which are neurally/energetically created. This is why people can be in therapy for years and still get nowhere.

Other more modern techniques starting to be used are EMDR and Brainspotting. Both are designed to get beyond thought to the neural underpinnings that are associated with the initial trauma or 'little' trauma. I'm not saying you have had any 'significant' trauma but my bet is that most of us have learned inadequate techniques (ie avoidance, repression, suppression, anger, etc) to deal with emotion and stress at a young age without ever realising it.

There are other methods that can be used without a therapist. One is meditating on the emotion (or where you feel it physically), and just allowing whatever to come up to come up, without analysing it. It may take some time though to let go of the habitual desire to think about it, analyse it, or to try and problem solve! Another technique is talk to yourself as you would a child! Strange huh? But it can actually be really effective and surprising what can come up if you are quiet and are able to allow what thoughts and emotions want to surface.

I made the decision to start looking at my emotions and dealing with them some time ago and it can be hard work and very unsettling at times. I've been almost floored a few times from the exhaustion that comes with it. But that gets less and less with each release, and the body will only give you what you can handle.

Fear and anxiety to me are like baseball bats hitting you over the head. It's not that they are doing it out of malice but because you never listened to them when they were softer and more subtle. They are doing a job. Their job is to get your attention. The message is simple. We want you to look at that which you are hiding from.