View Full Version : Good night = good start to the day

12-12-06, 09:10
Hi guys

Regular NMPreaders will be fed up with my posts about lack of sleep and how dreadful I feel.

Soooooooooooo, just to let you know I had my best night's sleep last night in ages!!!!! No PAs!!!!!!!!

No sleeping tablet, just warm milk and some digestive biscuits (thinking about blood sugar levels). I got to sleep quite easily and although I awoke in the early hours managed to get back to sleep (now that is a FIRST). It no doubt helped that I had the bed to myself because hubby is away.

I don't normally chat on NMP late at night, but airowlf and I chatted till quite late and I'm convinced I went to bed more positively as a result; I even told myself it was going to be a good night and that the PAs could bu**er off!! and they did!!

Let's hope the day is neither uphill or downhill from here - just level footing.

I'm off to get showered and hit the day runing.

I hope EVERYONE has a brilliant day!!!

12-12-06, 09:18
Hi Sandie !

Good for you hun ! great to read such a positive post!:D

Enjoy your day hun !



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

12-12-06, 09:18
Hi Sandie

You sound so positive today compared to yesterday chuck.
I'm so glad you feel better, amazing what a good night's sleep can do together with positive thinking.
Well done chuck

Take care

Elaine x

12-12-06, 09:42
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Sandie

You sound so positive today compared to yesterday chuck.
I'm so glad you feel better, amazing what a good night's sleep can do together with positive thinking.
Well done chuck

Take care

Elaine x

<div align="right">Originally posted by lainey - 12 December 2006 : 09:18:27</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I completely agree.
Good on ya Sandie - have a smashing day hon xxx

"At the end of a storm, there's a golden sky..."

12-12-06, 09:54
Hi Sandie

I am so pleased you had a good night's sleep. What a difference it makes! Maybe it is the sleeping tablets that you have been taken that have caused the problem. I love having the bed to myself when my husband is away. :D

Take Care.


12-12-06, 10:11
Brilliant Sandie,

Really pleased to hear about that. The biggest thing it shows you is you can do it. Without trying to dampen things you may have difficult nights but somewhere inside you it felt right last night.

I like your aspiration for today also, nice and steady.

Take care


ps...is airowlf's tag a typo??

What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

12-12-06, 10:59
Well its alamost 11 am and I've just had an unexpected visitor which has left me feeling a little jittery. One or two negative thoughts creeping in whilst I was getting set for the day. I know I've got to work hard at keeping positive today, but here's hoping!!

Silly I knows, but I've started to get a bit anxious about my son's visit tonight - I'm really looking forward to seeing him, but he is unaware of how bad things have been and I'm a bit concerned that he's going to see and notice the differences here at home, and then start to worry about me and the other issues. He's off to South Africa tomorrow - cage diving for Great White Shark - can you believe it!!!!!! It was his 21st birthday present from his girlfriend (who's used her fathers air miles to fund the trip). They are also doing a 3-day safari. I've got to work really hard at putting on a brave face - I'd hate him to go off tomorrow embarrassed about what a mess his mum is.

I'm off to do some cooking now - I've set the table for a christmas meal this evening - complete with crackers, even though we're only having lasagne!!

Thanks guys - keep sending positive vibes!!


12-12-06, 12:17
hey Sandie,

its me and yes airowlf isa typo, it should be airwolf lol

as i said last night , when they come stand firm and tell em to get lost, im so glas you had a great nights sleep

big hugs and smiles for you today

keep it up and catch ya later

12-12-06, 15:51
YAY!!!! Well done Sandie, I'm so happy for you. Don't forget to take the credit for this and give yourself a pat on the back.
Anna xxx
PS If you do wake up in the imddle of the night, have you tried writing? Keep a pen and paper next to the bed and jot down everything you're feeling. It's a great distraction from the panic, and could help you discover a pattern.

12-12-06, 20:35
Hi guys

Well, hubby's safely home from Blackburn (so I haven't got the bed to myself tonight), the meal is all prepared - cheap plonk in the fridge, a couple of small gifts for the children to unwrap at the table, woodburner lit and glowing. They're not arriving until 10'ish and they're leaving atound 11 am tomorrow so its only a fleeting visit, but I'm feeling OKAY!!!

Other than a biggish blip mid-afternoon, when the sky became grey, and the house got dark and gloomy, its been a pretty good day.

A couple of PAs threatened to become something - but I told them to "bu**er off*. As airwolf says "... its bucket face from down there sending them, so just tell him to sod off". Wierd I know, but somehow it works!! I haven't entirely forgotten science... I did take my lunchtime propanalol, but didn't feel the need to take it until a couple of hours later than norm. Only used the rescue spray a couple of times today as well.

It will be a LATE night tonight, but hopefully the routine disruption will help my sleep not hinder it. I'm going to try a second night without a sleeping tablet - just positive thought and prayer!! and maybe a few swear words too.

Nights like last night, and most of today, are little nudges that life can be 'normal'.

Hope you all have a really great evening, and a brilliant night's sleep, waking fresh and bright to face a positive day.


12-12-06, 20:44
Hi Sandie

Sounds like you have had a very positive day. Try and relax and just enjoy this evening with your son. You are all organised so everything will go smoothly.

Best wishes
