View Full Version : Is getting root canal treatment done really as horrible as people say?

02-06-14, 15:42
I've to go to the dentist in a few days to get it done after having an abscess in my back molar. I have been given antibiotics until then as well as painkillers. The pain at the moment isn't too bad most of the time and the worst complaint is a weird taste from that tooth and pain when I bite down.

I've never had any root canal treatments done before so I don't know what to expect but I have heard its one of those procedures that everyone moans about. What should I expect and how long does it roughly take?


02-06-14, 16:36
If you have any pain, tell your dentist. If you're anxious, tell your dentist. If you need a single dose of sedative, talk to your GP before the treatment.

I took 10mg of Diazepam to have mine done because I was scaaaaared! Started stinging while the dentist was drilling, so I told her. She gave me more anaesthetic, and it just felt odd. Took around 40 minutes on the first appointment, but wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. My face was a little sore for a few days, and I felt a bit wiped out after the treatment.

If the pain is bad, I was told they'd abandon the procedure, cap the tooth temporarily and refer me for sedation. But it never got that bad :)

Good luck!

02-06-14, 16:39
Thanks for your reply :) I do have some valium left after the doctor gave me them a few months ago for back spasms. They sometimes work to calm me down when I am panicky so I might take one before it though they sometimes make me feel weird and spacey too. I need to go to the docs this week so I'll discuss with her if there are any other tablets she could maybe give me or maybe a different dosage.

I usually put off going to the dentist but I have been told I can't fly while having a tooth abscess and I am leaving for Ireland 3 weeks today so I just need to get over my fear and go if I want to go on holiday! Lol

02-06-14, 16:42
Just tell your dentist. I've had wisdom teeth pulled and such and I was so numbed up I didn't feel a thing. They'll also give you something to take when the numbness wears off.

Positive thoughts

02-06-14, 18:11
I had a root canal done and it was no problem. I didnt feel a thing and it was just like getting a filling done except it took a lot longer and was more fiddly. Hope it all goes well for you x

09-06-14, 16:33
Hi just out of the dentists. I thought I would be getting the root canal treatment done today but he decided that I should just have the tooth removed and I need some fillings also. I've got 3 appointments next week http://static.tsrfiles.co.uk/images/smilies/eek.gif thankfully I have a holiday right after the appointments phew :)

I was reeeeally panicky in the waiting room and my gran offered me a valium and told me if I wanted, I could wait in the corridor and she would come out and get me once my name was called but I didn't do either of those. I just sat there and beared it for what felt like forever and once I got in the chair, I didn't panic at all :)

09-06-14, 16:46
Well done for coping with it so well! The good news is, having a tooth pulled is a lot quicker than a root canal, so you'll be in the chair for less time :D Enjoy the holiday, too.

09-06-14, 20:26
I agree ! Just like having a filling... You will be fine x

09-06-14, 20:31
I've had a tooth pulled and a root canal. Worse part is having to keep your mouth open so long. Ha, I think that hurt more than anything else! ;-)

Not to worry!

09-06-14, 20:37
Thanks for your replies guys :)

I feel hell of a lot more confident today after beating the attack in the waiting room and actually going to the appointment rather than cancelling or just not showing up like I used to do a lot when it came to dentist appointments.

I'll no doubt be a nervous wreck when the first of my 3 appts for next week comes up but I just have to remember I'm going on holiday 3 days after the last appt and its better to get it done before the holiday rather than thinking while I'm away "oh crap I have the dentist when I get back!"

little kyle
10-06-14, 00:10
I had root canal it did not hurt one bit