View Full Version : weight gain /Cit

02-06-14, 16:40
i do believe the past 2 months i been on Cit i gained 15 pounds:blush::weep::scared15::unsure:
yea, like i needed any extra pounds!!
there is no way im changing meds again, i changed 4 times already so is there anything i can do?
As in diet wise, Why do we gain weight on this med ?

02-06-14, 17:05
Talk about how we're all different, I didn't gain any weight. Did your diet change at all? I think I read you have four kids...amazing! ! That's got to impact your eating habits and exercise, no?

02-06-14, 18:16
Thank you =) yes it does very much being that i still have my pregnancy cravings and never hardly have time for myself so i snack a lot, and im a panic eater!!!

02-06-14, 19:09
Check this out

02-06-14, 23:06
Looks great, thank you :hugs:
Cant wait to try all those good ideas!

02-06-14, 23:20
You bet...hope it helps darlin!!

04-06-14, 12:00
I've lost 7lbs eve. I have changed my diet tho. Biggest difference is cutting out bread. I think im intolerance to it anyway - ibs. You defo need to watch diet with regards to simple carbs causing blood sugar fluctuations - mood swings. Try eat a good breakfast within shirt period of getting up. Oe having protein and a complex carbohydrate with it.

04-06-14, 17:23
Also, Eve, don't be too concerned with getting curvy, hunni. My gosh, when my kids were little I was at least 5 dress sizes bigger than I am now. Seriously, the in the child-bearing years it's not unusual, and I kinda think it's nature's way of making sure we have the energy to keep up and care for them! ... Besides, I have seen the pic of you in that pretty new dress, and the pounds are in all the right places :winks: You sexy thing! :yesyes:

05-06-14, 20:38
:D:blush: Aw thank you, these babies have made me super curvy, lol Your a sexy thang your self aha:bighug1:

---------- Post added at 14:38 ---------- Previous post was at 14:37 ----------

Paul, thank you for the tips, i have cut out white bread i use wheat, whenever i do use bread at all, my biggest problem is my sweet tooth.

08-06-14, 07:35
Eve, curvy is lovely sweetie!

I lost 2 stone before cit - I have put about a stone of that back. I put it down to the fact that cit makes me feel a little nauseous so I like to keep eating to take the edge off.

I'm going to read these tips as I do want to keep fitting in the clothes I own!

little scientist
23-06-14, 14:38
I've put on two stone in about 2 years while being on citalopram -to be honest I needed it I think, as I was pretty darn skinny! I went from a size 6, to my current size 10. However I am now becoming concious that the weight is going on, and going on quite easily so I am having to watch my diet a lot more, and I really must start exercising, and exercising properly!

Catherine S
23-06-14, 15:09
Some meds may interfere with insulin levels, which in turn affects the way the system uses carbs/sugar. Propranolol is one such med that does this and ive gained weight since starting to take it. I am losing the weight now but it seems to take forever to come off compared to how quickly it came off in the past...very frustrating.