View Full Version : OCD over an illness

02-06-14, 18:51
Can anyone tell me is it possible to have a OCD over feeling why you feel like you feel but then thats why you feel like you feel?? Lol,

Sorry - ive been trying to work out why i continue to struggle with my memory & awarness symptom its to the point where i can hardly function at all some days, like my brain is locks up rendering me totally lethargic.

Ive noticed im constantly thinking about "it" if im not thinking about it im then thinking im not thinking about it which really is me then still thinking about it,

Its like my mind is locked or obsessed on to it and i cant escape, if i try to watch tv or play with the children anything that takes mind power i find i cant concentrate its there constantly and i cant get away from my concious mind.

It feels like my mind is fatigued up so much it hurts, its tense.
I get lost in my thoughts and i have crazy twisted sensations like my brains getting twisted up and it hurts.

I often think if i didnt know about it then i wouldnt possibly think about it? i dont have any physical symptoms thats whats making me worry is it anxiety retaliated also the twisted horrible sensations like electric shocks scattering around my nurvous system and my brain, it happend yesterday and brought tears to my eyes and i was in public! I hate the locked up feeling its making me feel crazy!! I find it hard to cope.

i feel frustrated, trapped, locked up, lathargic, hopeless and lost.

Thanks guys