View Full Version : forgot to take cit today

02-06-14, 23:36
so today i forgot to take cit and i am about to take it when i get home. I was quite afraid about it but i strangely feel slightly better today is that normal?

anyway i am going to doctor to increase to 40mg on Thursday some good days, normal as i should be feeling but still some bad days aswell, that's what i feel the boost will benefit.

how is everyone else these days anyway?

Cú Chulainn
02-06-14, 23:47
Hey Afgzee,
I'd just take the Cit as soon as you get home, I always forget and I don't think it makes any big deal at least for me.
How long now have you been on 30mg

07-06-14, 12:36
thanks. I just took it that day. Been taking 30 for about 2 months or so. Doctor refused to increase me to 40 which I believe was a bad decision. I will go next month and again request the increase. This is the only way I believe I will make further progress. Going to 30 was a major step into improving my situation and I think 40 is the boost my body needs to get me all the way there.

how about everyone else, hows it going for you all?

08-06-14, 07:28
Hi there, hope you are all ok.

I sometimes forget but just take it again as soon as I can - I leave the pills with my deodorant etc so that it prompts me. Obviously, out of the way of small hands but we do not have small kids anymore so that is not an issue :)

I am still on 40 after 6 months. I feel ok...my youngest son has gone away with his school and that flipped me out a little. Work has been stressful this week and again, that has unsettled me but everyone has a little stress in their lives from time to time. I also had a letter from the inland revenue, again, I felt my anxiety really come out. Not been a good week really.

I spent an hour with my son working on his car yesterday and that really was the best medicine of all :)

18-06-14, 21:04
that's really nice to hear marty.

Well after 4 days of feeling good and pretty much no anxiety I had almost a panic attack had to take a small dose of a benzo to keep me calm on the train. It was terrible.

Not sure why my doctor doesn't want to increase me to 40mg but I will request again the next time I see him.

19-06-14, 08:38
Let us know how you get on Afgzee

19-06-14, 08:52
I'm off it now, but I was always so terrified of taking it late that I went home to take it when I remembered sometimes! Funnily enough I do remember feeling better on days I skipped it accidentally. I wonder why?

21-06-14, 11:32
I'm off it now, but I was always so terrified of taking it late that I went home to take it when I remembered sometimes! Funnily enough I do remember feeling better on days I skipped it accidentally. I wonder why?

I had that feeling the day i forgot to take it.... Actually felt better, strange.

maybe switching over to a nighttime dose would be better although my doctor said its effects are much better when taken in the day, is there any truth to that?

26-06-14, 14:09
Don't worry if you miss a dose, citalopram stays in your system. I do it all the time. :)