View Full Version : Clicking jaw

12-12-06, 10:11
Hi all ,
Just wondering if anyone else gets this, my jaws been really clicking these past few days and it sounds really loud in my ear, especially when im eating...................[Sigh...]
What can be causing it ?? Starting to scare myself now xx :(

12-12-06, 10:19
Hi Kitty,

i get it from time to time and my mothers had it for years - really annoying.
I think its just like your knees clicking - nothing to worry about. I grind my teeth in my sleep, so that is probably a cause too.
love anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

12-12-06, 10:27
I used to get this loads of times during my 20's and early 30's - sometimes used to think my jaw was going to crack in half! Don't get it so much now. Doctor would always say it was just one of those things and nothing to worry about.

Stu M
12-12-06, 10:35

Ive had this for a few years now, Ive seen my doctor and my dentist about it and the have both said its due to tension in my jaw. It comes and goes.

It seems if the muscles in your neck and jaw are too tense they can push you jaw slightly out of line, and it clicks. Especially when eating.

I was told to massage round where your jaw hinges, dont eat very chewy food, and try to relax!

Hope that helps


12-12-06, 12:30
Hi I get that from time to time as well. Sometimes it cracks really bad and feels like there's sand in the joint. Doctor says its nothing it comes and goes on its own.