View Full Version : New symptom

03-06-14, 03:19
For the past couple weeks if not longer I've noticed every night starting around 7 and all the way up till I go to sleep my ears become extra sensitive! My husband will start talking out of the blue next to me and I feel like I almost freeze for a second and get like this "electric shock" go through me and I just wanna scream at him to be quiet because it feels like his voice is vibrating through my whole body. Or even the TV noise does the same thing to me. Any little sudden noise really throws me off. It only does this at night at the same time and when I wake up the next morning its gone. Its driving me crazy! I also have a lot of ringing in my ears at night too. Anyone else ever have this noise sensitivity?

03-06-14, 04:03
I definitely get sensitivity to noise (and light at times) when I'm anxious and irritable. Do you have any other things going on at that time as to why it could be triggered? Or do you think it's because you're concentrating on it at that time so now you feel it's a habit?

Sorry I'm not helpful at all?! :doh: