View Full Version : Worried about appendicitis

03-06-14, 09:46
Hi All,
I'm new here and my name is Ryan and I'm 19 years old (20 this month)
Just lately I have had the beginnings of a very severe case of health anxiety (well severe in my opinion).

So far I have been worried about heart problems (I had my doctor do a full set of blood tests and an ECT), Cancer, Diabetes and the past week it has been Appendicitis.

With all of the other suspected illnesses I have had reassurance from the doctor, and this had cleared my mind of thoughts for a few days until my next worry.

Over the past 5 days, I have been very anxious regarding Appendicitis, even to the point that I'm making up (well I think so) pain in my side. I have now been to an out of hours doctor (twice in the same weekend for two different illnesses) who advised that they do not think it is appendicitis and have also been to my GP regarding it.
They have both said they do not think it is appendicitis (except for the fact that my GP told me that I had a bit of tenderness in the right side of my abdomen).

I am increasingly getting worried about appendicitis enough to stop me from concentrating on my job or even on talking with family/girlfriend. I feel so distant from everyone because I'm concentrating so hard.
Also over the past 3 days I have been very emotional and crying a lot.
I keep checking my temperature and keep poking and prodding my right side.
It almost feels like I have an upset stomach and have not had any real severe 'pain'. I have had a bit of pain in my right hip and just above (and a small bit in my left hip). The doctor said this could be muscular

I have a few questions that I hope a few kind people can help me with in order to overcome this.

First of all, how will I know exactly that I have appendicitis? Will I know if my appendix bursts? Can it burst without any pain?

I'm kind of getting to the stage of crisis because I have nowhere to run or hide from myself, I can't control it and over the past few days I have felt very depressed about this, even to the point of wanting to jump out of my window to try and stop it.

Does anyone have any techniques or ways I can calm my anxiety down?
I feel like I am going to lose everything, including family because of how distracting it is. It's also making me very shouty and aggressive although I don't mean to be.

Last of all, the doctor told me that even antidepressents wouldn't help me in this situation.

Sorry if I'm rambling on, I have a lot on my mind and feel I need to get it all out with people that suffer from a similar thing as apposed to keep bugging my family, friends and keep going to the doctors.

Thanks for any replies.

03-06-14, 11:17
I've had my appendix out and trust me you wouldn't be able to move with pain it causes let alone type up on here about it. The pain is excruciating

03-06-14, 11:19
This alone has helped me slightly.
What kind of things did you experience?
I'm slightly worried because when you search for peoples experiences, some people say they have had no pain and it burst.

03-06-14, 11:36
You have seen several doctor's who say it isn't appendicitis so you have to believe them

03-06-14, 14:04
I had acute apendicitis when I was about 12. My experience was the same as the previous poster, Sam100322. I was very ill (vomiting etc) for a few days and then the pain hit me. It was so severe I passed out. Next thing I know I am being taken to hospital and I had my appendix removed that day.

You have tenderness on your right side as, by your own admission, you have been poking and prodding it. You have seen 2 doctors who have both said they dont think it is appendicitis and you have to believe them. Even if it IS appendicitis (which it isn't, according to 2 doctors), you will be fine. It is a routine operation with a ridiculously overwhelmingly high survival rate.

How to cope with anxiety? What do you like doing? I go to a pub with friends or I go to the gym or do other exercise. Being healthy can help with some peoples' health anxiety. Your problem is not appendicitis or anything else, it is health anxiety. THAT is what you should be treating. Your doctor maybe able to refer you to a free counselling service (I have recently been referred to one in my city) or you could pay to speak to a professional. You have to treat the thing you do have (health anxiety) and not the things you dont (appendicitis).