View Full Version : Extreme Insomnia - 2 nights in a row

03-06-14, 14:26
I do suffer from insomnia on and off but for the last few weeks I have been sleeping very well (7-8 hours).
However I work in a school and it was half term last week. Since starting back yesterday, I haven't slept properly.
I got off around 4am eventually on Sunday night and had to be up again at 6.30am. So two and a half hours sleep.
I thought I would be very tired last night, I felt exhausted, my body was sort of shaking and my eyes were watering. As soon as I turned out the lights and got into bed, I was wide awake again. And stayed that way until around 3am once again. Maybe later, I made a point of not looking at my phone time.
I still went to work today...up at 6.30am. And I've just got home. I feel so, so tired. I also have a banging headache, I'm desperately trying not to nap but I can feel myself drifting off on the sofa.
I can't stand another restless night...can anyone help?

03-06-14, 14:42
I have been the same the last couple of nights :( Just got back from work and have collapsed on the sofa but have to go out to do another job at 4 pm. I can't wait until bedtime. Hopefully we will both be so exhausted that we will sleep tonight. A hot bath, cup of chamomile or lavender tea. No late laptop or phones and hopefully straight to sleep :)

03-06-14, 14:48
I have been the same the last couple of nights :( Just got back from work and have collapsed on the sofa but have to go out to do another job at 4 pm. I can't wait until bedtime. Hopefully we will both be so exhausted that we will sleep tonight. A hot bath, cup of chamomile or lavender tea. No late laptop or phones and hopefully straight to sleep :)

Yes I am certainly having camomile tea...and I've heard bananas are good too.

03-06-14, 15:01
I hate feeling so tired as it makes me more anxious. It didn't help that my cat was meowing at my bedroom door at 4 am :(

03-06-14, 17:20
Oh I know me too :( I've been feeling anxious all day!

---------- Post added at 17:20 ---------- Previous post was at 15:24 ----------

It's literally like a vicious cycle...the less I sleep, the more I worry and then the less I sleep again...if I have a good night, I don't even worry about sleeping...but what do you do to get out of the cycle?

04-06-14, 11:29
Another bad night :( I can't stand it much longer...is there something really wrong with me?
I listened to classic fm while reading, ate a banana and camomile tea before bed. I even had two herbal Nytol. Despite all of this, I was awake until the early hours of the morning again...I was shaking and my heart was racing practically all night. What can I do? This is coming up to the 4th night...which will be tonight. I'm not sure if I want to get sleeping pills from the doctor. But I guess it might be my only option.
I'm not going to read tonight, I'll listen to classic music instead and have a camomile again, maybe even another natural sleep aid like melatonin if I can get any - do they sell it at the chemist?
I am due on my period any day now so could this is related?

04-06-14, 12:09
I have sleep problems too. At times I go through phases where I sleep good for a few days then a the rest I hardly sleep at all and I have always been like this it's annoying , highly annoying. My doctor said to exercise after work but some nights I don't finish till 10pm I feel like I'm slowly dying as last night was a crap night's sleep. The tiniest noise or movement will wake me up and I live on a busy road I have a bus stop right outside my door ! Grrr

04-06-14, 13:05
I have sleep problems too. At times I go through phases where I sleep good for a few days then a the rest I hardly sleep at all and I have always been like this it's annoying , highly annoying. My doctor said to exercise after work but some nights I don't finish till 10pm I feel like I'm slowly dying as last night was a crap night's sleep. The tiniest noise or movement will wake me up and I live on a busy road I have a bus stop right outside my door ! Grrr

I feel like I'm dying today too :( it's very frustrating.
The more I want/need to sleep, the worse it gets. How do you get out of the cycle?!

04-06-14, 13:32
I am due on my period any day now so could this is related?

Yes it could...hormones have a lot to blame for!

04-06-14, 14:00
Yes it could...hormones have a lot to blame for!

You could be right.

I find it easy to fall asleep in the day in front of the TV on the sofa but as soon as I'm in my bed, nothing.

I keep thinking I have something really wrong with me :( a syndrome of some kind.

04-06-14, 14:12
The more you think about it the worse it gets. I slept better last night even though I woke at 2 and was awake about an hour. I try to concentrate hard on thinking about nothing at all and that makes it easier to sleep. Don't make the mistake of constantly looking at your clock to see how much sleep you are losing. It is best not to check the clock at all.

04-06-14, 14:56
That's true...it's hard because I like to know the time now and again and I was very hot last night so that possibly contributed.

04-06-14, 15:32
I have taken my winter duvet off and put the summer one on...will probably be too cold now :)